#being sick has been rough for a week

In the AU, at this current point in time, only Hanneman and Byleth see Sothis. Flayn/Rhea/Seteth famIn the AU, at this current point in time, only Hanneman and Byleth see Sothis. Flayn/Rhea/Seteth fam

In the AU, at this current point in time, only Hanneman and Byleth see Sothis. Flayn/Rhea/Seteth fam don’t see her. Mercedes and Marianne don’t see her. They all kind of sense something about the church (for Mercedes/Marianne it’s kindness they feel, where Flayn/Rhea/Seteth all get the feeling of love and closeness) but they don’t actually see her. Byleth also just speaks with everyone as if there isn’t a gremlin goddess living inside his head rent free so they don’t really press much. They just accept the positive feelings!


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