#being trans


The truth about Dermablend

They have those insane videos of people hiding their tattoos all over their bodies. They say their products do not transfer or rub off. It really seemed like the holy grail of concealing.

So I decided to ask them about their thoughts on beard shadow.

That was two months ago and I’m still waiting for an answer. A few days ago, I wrote them on their facebook page via messenger. For days, all I got was an automated reply telling me to visit their website. So I left a bad review on their page and left them an angry message on messenger asking if their customer service sucked for everyone or only for trans women.

That’s when I finally got an answer, asking me to give them the email address I used to contact them in the first place.

I gave it to them and said I would not spend a dime on their products.

a riddle:
how do you build a home on a boundary line?

our land is crossed with borders
we are cut upon the edges, turned us-against-them
while some of us are neither one thing nor the other:
marginal existences in pushed-aside lives
and if a border lies like a knife between us
how can we balance on the blade?

there is sea and there is shore;
rain and sun; sky above and land below—
but what then, the tide pools?
what then, the mist that seeps across the fields
and leaves the air so thick with water
you can nearly breathe it in?
what then, the ocean
where you may hang suspended
between sky and stone
cradled in the salt embrace
of the world that long ago bore you?

what then, the path of light over water
by which you may walk to the edge of the world
and over into the next?

an answer, which manannán knows well:
the boundary is a land unto itself;
your home awaits you there
