


I need your help, Hetalia community!

A long time ago, in a place far far away, when Tumblr was full of erotica fanarts and authors hadn’t migrated to Twitter…

It was 10, years ago, or something like that. I have saved on my phone one comic-answer from a Hetalia ask blog just to look up for the author later…

Time has passed, I’m a full grown adult now (26 y.o) and while surfing on my Google photo account I have found this mini-comics… Totally forgotten in space and time. And I decided that I need to finish this task! I need to find an ask or an author of this art. But Tumblr is foreign and alien place for me now, so I need any help in this search.

What do I know:

- It was an Ask.

- Probably Hetalia themed.

- There are definitely Belgium and Hungary in this ask. (But I can’t be sure that the author ship them like I did (and still do).

I added images from that answer (maybe the author sees themselves and comes to yell at me for reposting, it can work too), but I’ll delete them after completing this mission!

Hmmm… (I don’t recognize the artstyle or have been around enough time to be able to help on the search) Why don’t you try searching with Google Images? I have a link on my pinned post that explains how to do it.
