#bellarke fam selfie night





Happy bfsn beautiful people!

It’s finally that time of year; the lilacs are in bloom I can’t get enough of their wonderful scent. Only wish I had my own bush in my own garden so I could bring bunches of it inside without anyone frowning at me. I wouldn’t dare do it otherwise. Another thing I’m looking forward to is the premiere of the newest season of Stranger Things. The wait has been so long, this weekend can’t come soon enough!

Hope you are all doing well, and have had a good week. If not, hugs to you and I hope it’ll get better

Hello to @togetherkru,@igotbellarkeforthat,@roguetwelve,@carrieeve,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@heartbellamy,@pendragaryen,@natassakar,@moreflowersthanweeds,@jeanie205

Happy Tuesday, beautiful fam!

@ninappon I’m so with you on Stranger Things, it’s been ages! I rewatched the show recently and it only made me more excited, I cannot wait for Friday!

I have a pic for you all from Saturday, of TWO rainbows that appeared in the evening, after a whole day of rain storms. There was actually even a third one for a moment but alas, those were the only traffic lights on my way, so I didn’t get to stop and take more pics. But this was such a fantastic sight.

Tagged / Tagging @pendragaryen@togetherkru@kizo2703@otp-armada@igotbellarkeforthat@jeanie205@roguetwelve@bookwormforalways@natassakar@infp-with-all-the-feelings@heartbellamy

Hi Sunflower kru !  @ninappon​  thanks Nina for starting it tonight, I was a bit late, lol. This lilac is absolutely gorgeous !! And don’t worry, i’ll be there too for ST this week end !

@carrieeve​ i just loooove this kind of pic. Nature is  always amazing <3

I don’t have much more to say, because I work, I work, I make mistakes in my work, I work, and I have doubts about what I do in my work. Teaching is really a job where you constantly question yourself. It’s a bit tiring.

Since 3 months Ukrainians are fighting on the other side of Europe. I dedicate these flowers to them.

Tagging/sending much love to :    @pendragaryen​​​,@natassakar​​​,@geekyogicheese​​​,@immortalpramheda​​​,@kizo2703​​​,@lee-em-dee​​​,@igotbellarkeforthat​​​,@infp-with-all-the-feelings​​​,@bookwormforalways​​​,@kateemcintyre​​​,@moreflowersthanweeds​​​,@foolishnymeria​​​,@otp-armada​​​,@isweartobreathe​​​,@roguetwelve​​​,@heartbellamy​​​,@bellamyblake​​​​,@jeanie205​​@imaginetonprincecharmant​​​​,@brightblakes​​​​  
