#bellarke january joy



Bellarke January Joy 2022 begins tomorrow!

Below is a list of all the wonderful creators who have signed up to participate in bringing some Bellarke joy to January.

January 15: @kateemcintyre — fanfiction
January 16: @clarkesplaylist — moodboard
January 17: @queen-of-the-wallflowers15 — fanfiction and moodboard
January 18: @bellamyblake — gifset
January 19: @imruination — gifset
January 20: @carrieeve — fanfiction and/or moodbord
January 21@thesupremeoverlordismysister — fanfiction
January 22: @writetheniteaway — fanfiction
January 23: @the-murphyshow — fan art
January 24: @miissmr — fanfiction
January 25: @togetherkru — moodboard
January 26: @petalstofish — fanfiction
January 27: @heartbellamy — fanfiction and/or gifset
January 28: @thelegendofclarke — fanfiction and/or edit
January 29: @peggysousfan — fanfiction & aesthetic
January 30: @skyeward-otp — fanfiction
January 31: @bellamysgriffin — gifset

Creators, don’t forget to post your creation on your own blog on the day you claimed! Reminder to please post between 12:01 AM EST and 5:59 PM EST! Also, please include the tag “#bjj2022” and tag this blog (@bellarkejanuaryjoy). 

If you’re not a creator and still want to get involved, you can do so by sharing/reblogging, liking, and commenting through the month!

A special thank you to the 17 creators signed up for the fourth annual Bellarke January Joy! All of the time you’re putting in to make this month extra special is appreciated! I can’t wait to see everything created and shared.

Happy Bellarke January Joy!
