

Bob Morley commented on Eliza Taylor’s latest post, making it the first time he’s ever commented on an Instagram post! ✨


Appreciation post for our favourite new parents working out and staying healthy together! ‍♂️‍♀️✨

“I hope I can be to my children what you have been to us.” — Eliza Taylor about her own mum, Lucy. Now she gets to be the mama she always dreamed of being! ‍

For her very first Mother’s Day, Eliza Taylor was gifted “The Anti-Anxiety Notebook” as well as assorted shower steamers from her boys - Bob Morley & baby Henry ✨

elizajaneface: My first mamas day!!!! What a trip! Sending love to all of you out there loving on your mums, missing your mums, trying to be mums, being mums and barely holding it together!! You are all pure magic. Be extra kind to yourself today. Lots of love

We are wishing the happiest Mother’s Day to our favourite Mama Bear, Eliza Morley! We hope she has the best day celebrating her first Mother’s Day as a brand new mumma with Bob Morley and their adorable baby bear! Happy Mother’s Day Mama Morley! ❤️‍✨

“Happy Anniversary @elizajaneface !!! Time is flying, life is changing. But I can’t imagine doing it without you! Everyday, no matter what I choose you and I’m so glad that you chose me too. A pillar of compassion and love, me and the little one are blessed to have you in our lives! Love love love ❤️ ” — Bob Morley

elizajaneface: Three years ago today we stood atop a big green mountain and said “I do” to a life of loving one another. So much has happened in those three years. Fires burnt through our homeland, a pandemic shut down the world, and we had a beautiful baby boy. Through it all, our love has only grown stronger. You are a wonderful father and a spectacular husband. Henry and I are so lucky. We love you!! Happy anniversary x

Happy anniversary to our favourite soulmates, best friends, and now parents, Bob & Eliza Morley! We can hardly believe that these two lovebirds are celebrating their 3rd anniversary with their baby boy! Wishing them nothing but love, happiness, and health! ✨

Lose You Too by eyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoyTake the shot, Blake!&ldqLose You Too by eyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoyTake the shot, Blake!&ldqLose You Too by eyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoyTake the shot, Blake!&ldqLose You Too by eyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoyTake the shot, Blake!&ldqLose You Too by eyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoyTake the shot, Blake!&ldqLose You Too by eyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoyTake the shot, Blake!&ldq

Lose You Too byeyessharpweaponshot // January 28, 2022 @bellarkejanuaryjoy

Take the shot, Blake!“ Clarke strains as loud as she’s able.

"Shut up, Clarke!” Bellamy yells back, seemingly a little distracted by her in this amount of danger. He should be keeping a clear head.

Clarke wills any fight left in her to the surface because she has to act now. Emerson could take Bellamy out in a heartbeat. It’s a dangerous move, she could die easily here by the Unsub’s hands, but at least Bellamy will be safe.  She struggles, pulling Emerson’s arm with her hands. The sound of her gun firing almost deafens her but like she suspected, the bullet missed Bellamy in the commotion. Bellamy is on Emerson as quick as lightning and Clarke is surprised to find herself free and pretty much unharmed, crouching on all fours on the ground.

It was a massive risk that paid off.

Clarke is gasping, her airway feeling like the size of a straw, cutting her like she’s trying to swallow a razor blade. It’s painful to breathe, maybe it’s the worry or maybe it’s the physical pain of trying to swallow air. All the same, Clarke draws breath like she never will again.

A few minutes pass and she starts to regain control of her breathing. She sees cops and S.W.A.T agents pushing Carl Emerson passed her in cuffs and Clarke breathes out a sigh of relief. She lifts her head to look for Bellamy but he’s already beside her, helping her onto her feet. Clarke gets her first look at him since the ordeal.

His face is concerned and tight with worry - but unharmed. Clarke’s heart unclenches and she can breathe easy, despite her throat burning. His fingers reach out, gently touching her face and turning it slightly so he can get a better view of her neck. Tingles shoot through her at the contact and it’s silent between them for a few moments, tender.

Bellamy’s eyes are soft with concern and sadness, making Clarke unsure of what to say or do. She yearns to close the distance between them, fall into his arms like it’s her birthright. She shows some restraint though as Bellamy takes a good look at her. Once he knows for sure that she’s okay as can be, Clarke notices the look in his eyes change and feels a push against her shoulders.

“That’s twice, Clarke.” Bellamy pushes her again. “Twice! Twice in two days you’ve put your life in the hands of an Unsub with a gun. Do you want to die? Do you?”

Clarke and Bellamy, FBI agents - both too emotional to be level-headed in the dangerous situations they face together.

A Bellarke Criminal Minds Au based on @eyessharpweaponshot‘s amazing fic!

Made for @bellarkejanuaryjoy2022

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