



I stood in the shadows awaiting my contact, it was a detestable business with somewhat unsavory characters but if this helped France and drew this revolution to an end with less bloodshed it was worth it.

My contact was a very cantankerous old man, Bellec. He had a wit so dry it bordered on good taste. Luckily for him, I was used to such characters in the French court, he had no idea how alike he was to the royalty who thought themselves superior due to their title. Bellec’s notions did not give him the moral high ground he believed.

I pulled into the light upon hearing his distinctive heavy footsteps echo through the passage. If he wished to be silent he could but he needed me to hear him. As I had to not be shocked or surprised lest we give away our presence. He saw me and nodded. “Meet our fellow conspirator,” Bellec announced to a younger man at his side.

I did not acknowledge the young assassin at first as I wouldn’t let that impudence stand. “Do not cast me as one in your little war. I care not if they are Templar or assassin. I only seek to remove the bad influences from the court.”

“Will you help him get into the palace?” Bellec remarked in annoyance.

“That was the agreement,” I assured him.

“That is all I care about,” Bellec grumbled.

“Does our contact have a name?” The young assassin politely inquired with a hint of sarcasm.

I turned to look upon him. I had heard much about this one. The descriptions did not do him justice. I decided it would be appropriate to introduce myself before it looked as if I was staring. “Cecile. It is nice to meet you, Arno.”
“But I did not tell you my name. How do you know?” He remarked as if I had just performed some amazing feat.

Amused I began, “I know much about all the players involved. You two included. I like to know who I am working with.” 

“You know nothing of me,” Bellec dismissed my comment with an air of arrogance as if untouchable.
But I knew enough of him to be weary of him. Fanatics are dangerous no matter what side they are aligned with. I had seen many in my short time within the French court but I knew them to believe themselves right and would not hear anything to the contrary. I said nothing to Bellec and left him to his delusions.
The young assassin pressed, “what do you know of me?”

His gentle brown eyes narrowed with what seemed to be suspicion. “Arno Dorian, your path has not been an easy one but you have been busy of late. Do assassins know nothing of caution?”

His steely gaze softened. The grin that crossed his face was lopsided but annoyingly endearing. He had a boyish charm to his smile and appearance. He also bore scars that marred his youthful face, and a weary look that spoke of a wealth of experience, none of it good but it seemed he had learnt from it as he still drew breath.

He smiled widely. “I do try I assure you.”

I raised my eyes trying to hide the smile creeping across my lips. “Does that boyish charm work?”

“Not on Bellec.”

I couldn’t help the smile that drew across my face, he was rather amusing. And the annoyance upon Bellec’s face only made it more so. Bellec took his leave with a nod in my direction and a quick hand upon Arno’s shoulder.

Arno had many questions as we began to slowly walk into the grounds. I was not used to such curiosity from assassins. It was normally suspicion I had to contend with. Arno remarked quietly, “You are not what I expected?”
I raised an eyebrow before responding in the same hushed tone, “What were you expecting?”

“Well, that you wouldn’t be so…I did not expect a woman and an English one at that. What brings you to the midst of France during such unrest?”

“My father. He is French. He is a man of station and wealth.”

“France is not safe for such men.”

“I have told him this but he is stubborn and he is trying to continue his good work while those around him work for their own self-interest.”

“Then he will be in danger from both sides. He is a brave man to stay.”

“He is a fool,” I grumbled under my breath. 

I did not wish to have to worry about my father with such frequency. The anxiety had become too much for me so I had found a way to do my part to clear the court of the dangerous factions who threatened, my father and any who still wished to do good for France. I hoped I was making it safer for them. I sighed heavily.

“So how do you intend to get me in unseen?” Arno whispered.

“I know all the back ways and hidden doors, ” I assured him.

“Of course. I am glad of your aid.”

Before he slipped through the secret door I remarked, “don’t get yourself killed. I do not need such things upon my conscience.”

“I will be as careful as I can be,” he replied taking my hand and kissing it in a gentlemanly fashion before flashing me a smile. 

I shooed him away and closed the door quietly. My heart was racing. I couldn’t believe I still wasn’t used to this sneaking about in darkness. It still scared me to think of being discovered and all it would entail but I knew why I was doing this and for now, that kept me going. I slipped into the shadows and left Arno to his work. I did not wish to bear witness to whatever would occur and I knew it would not be the last I saw of Arno or Bellec.   
