#belly inflation



Pro tip: don’t fall asleep when you invite your inflator friend over, he might decide to put you in the tub and supeglue the shower hose to your mouth

balloon-bot-3000: Izzy Height: 5’ 9” Personality: Sun-dried Tomato Color: Purple Place of Work: Amus



Height:5’ 9”

Personality: Sun-dried Tomato


Place of Work: Amusement Park

Izzy…oh Izzy, you’re such a t-t-t-t-tsundere. This chiptune-synthwave goth bundle of cuteness thinks he’s a tough bot, but he’s actually just nervous and needy. Trying to put a brick-wall in front himself has caused him to be touch-starved, so he’s turned out to be the cuddliest of the group. Some nights he will not stop holding your hand, at the same time calling you a goof. He works at an amusement park a few miles from downtown, botting one of many balloon-stalls scattered about the park. He’ll cross his arms and look bored, but he really loves seeing everyone having such a nice time and the joy of children upon receiving a balloon from him. All of this has warranted a lot of teasing from his coworkers and partners. But after all the teasing, he’ll receive a boat-load of cuddles, smooches, hand-holds, and TLC from his loving partners. We love you Izzy, you damn tsundere.


Height:5’ 7”

Personality: Sweet n’ Shy


Place of Work: Florist Shop

Ernest is the type of boy who will buy you ice cream and take walks with you in the park every afternoon. Ernie is the absolute sweetheart of the group, the interior decorator, the gardener, the precious cinnamon roll. His works his day job from 9 to 3 at a Florist on main street, where he specializes in balloon bouquets and arrangements. People visit this florist just to visit Ernie, and sometimes even leave flowers as tips. On weekends he has a bit of a private night job, however. When the Florist closes, he heads over to a local bar where he bartends from 8 to midnight. He gained local fame through his absolutely, wonderfully sweet cocktails and shots. Mixing drinks became quite the hobby for him. He may be a cinnamon roll, but he knows how to get you hammered.

Here’s some more art from my boyfriend! These are his boy characters =3=

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