#belly pics


Why do I feel like I’m getting bigger every day day

I came home from college and my brother keeps teasing me about how I wasn’t so fat last week yeah, he may be right…

I don’t have much time to post these days but I have to share this. It feels realy weird that I’m so excited about this. I had to take photos. I was tying my shoes and saw in the mirror that my belly was spilling out I might just think about that for a whole day. It made me realize that I’m actually pretty fat already…

About a year ago I started this blog. I have to say that my belly still looks almost the same!

…except the first one is bloated and the “now” photo is empty

Compared myself to my old gym photo and thought about getting in shape again…

I chose round

There goes another huge meal from my supporters thank you for feeding me so well ❤
