#beloved shitpost





I am watching a documentary on Napoléon because I woke up and chose violence, and I’m just gonna jot down half-baked, chaotic theories and parallels as I watch.

  • Napoléon came back over to France from Corsica after he and his family (widowed mother who he adored and seven surviving siblings) had been exiled by Paoli in 1793; in 1794/95, Valjean’s oldest sister was widowed, leaving her to look after him and her seven surviving children all by herself

(I subscribe to Valjean’s birthday being Exactly 15 August 1769 for Reasons.)

I am an instrument of providence. She will use me, then she will break me like a glass.

Providence, you say??????????

Trust my wife @thepiecesofcait to improve everything she’s ever touched. <3
