#beloved wife



I decided to do a military style portrait for my Hero of Brightwall, who I now have a name for!!!!!!

Her name is….

Cassandra Rosetta Fulton!

(Also yes, I have been thinking about this name for so long that I ended up with a full name, and yes, I am embarrassed, thank you for asking)

Anyway, everyone say hello to Cassandra!

(Also also, this was extremely fun to paint, and it’s probably also one of my first fully completed paintings that I didn’t give up on part way through)

(Also also also, I totally do nothave a full family tree full of names with specific meanings for the Hero family line in an attempt to come up with a name that I liked for my Hero of Brightwall, pffft what??? [I do and I have a problem…Even Scarlet Robe has a full real name, including her maiden name])
