#ben edlund



3.09 Malleus Maleficarum

Casting Sides for Elizabeth:

Casting Sides for Renee:

Casting Sides for Tammi Benton:

*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google → slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining. Since the supply in eBay sellers’ inventories has dried up, we are also looking for folks willing to share PDFs (phone app PDFs are fine, e.g. Genius Scan) of scripts from their personal collections.

“Witch Hunt” - Writer’s 2nd Draft - 19 pp. (almost half the script)


You don’t understand, in one fucking scene Ben Edlund did, more profound bond, it does help one to focus, my people skills are rusty, incorrect use of air quotes, multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent. ALL of that is in the same exact scene, all in a row. He gave all of the Cas and destiel foundational trope building blocks that people would use in their fics for years,in a single scene. THEE writer of all time.




This ben edlund quote just gets funnier the longer they drag out supernatural

Also tv does very much let people die, they cancel shows all the time for a variety of reasons. this immortality thing is just a supernatural problem

#ben edlund    


ben edlund looking at the plotting for season six voice you guys are in a crisis i’m on my way

#ben edlund    #supernatural    

2.12 Nightshifter

- Night Shifter Network Outline

- Nightshifter Script (Blue Draft, Acts 1-4 *only*)

- Casting Sides for Agent Henriksen

- Casting Sides for Ronald

*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google → slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining. Since the supply in eBay sellers’ inventories has dried up, we are also looking for folks willing to share PDFs (phone app PDFs are fine, e.g. Genius Scan) of scripts from their personal collections. Crossposted from Twitter.

2.05 Simon Said & 2.06 No Exit: Episode Arenas

2.05 Simon Said: Casting Sides for Andy Gillette (later renamed Andy Gallagher; Studio Draft 14 pp.)

*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google → slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining. Since the supply in eBay sellers’ inventories has dried up, we are also looking for folks willing to share PDFs (phone app PDFs are fine, e.g. Genius Scan) of scripts from their personal collections. Crossposted from Twitter.
