#benedict cumberbatch imagines




Request: Benedict Cumberbatch x (non actress,plus size,Asian) reader Soulmate AU (assuming he’s still single?or however you may want it to be setup)Your internal voice is the voice of your soulmate,rather than your own or sharing each other’s talents

I love this idea…..But my mind randomly decided to log off for a few weeks. It’s back on so I am going to deliver ! I hope it is okay that I didn’t mention that the reader is asian because I want to be inclusive of all races…..I did mention she is plus size tho! Also thank you so much for being patient with my lazy ass. I have a lotta pending fics to finish but I finish them in the order of first come first serve basis! Enjoy !


Pairing: Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader

Warnings: Both idiots have the perfect timing, Reader is a bit insecure about herself. Benedict and Y/N are absolutely and miserably in love and obsessed with their inner voice, Flufff


Dilectio; Latin for Soulmate


Rent due, a cheap coffee, overtime job at the bakery, parental pressure and a dead laptop had Y/N trying her best to resist banging her head to the wall. The week sucked and she was more than ready to throw herself out of the window. But doubting that heaven or hell would be any better than this she chose not to. There was only one solution to this week being a monstrosity. 

The Freedom Palace.

That was what Y/N called it. It definately was not a palace. Well not for the common eyes. It was a palace for readers. An abandoned one. A palace only for her. A palce where she could visit a world unknown. A world of her own. It wasn’t anywhere near the city, it lay just outside it . A rundown hut with stone walls on the outside, stairs leading down the basement a wooden door to a whole new world.

The Freedom Palace was a library

A beautiful library with shelves and shelves of books, lamps illuminating the room and a nook for sitting made comfortable by Y/N and the blankets and pillows she brought. She maintained it she looked after it and she made it her place. Nobody could ruin it. Nobody came there after all. How she found was a coincidence as well.

There are reasons insecurities exist. Reasons why one chooses not to be close to people.Y/N’s reason was being bullied for her body all her life. A trip back in college that her parents forced her to go saying ,”It would be great to make friends” was when she found this place. It was raining and she got left behind. They probably never even noticed. She had gone to the place for shelter but found her palace instead and she found herself returning there every weekend since then.

But that wasn’t exactly the only thing that gave her peace she needed. It was her inner voice. You see, soulmates exist. And for every pair the point of connection was different. Y/N’s was her inner voice . It was deep, baritone, evidently British and it made butterflies flutter in her tummy. She never read books out loud. She let his voice read it. She let his voice pronounce the words deliciously from the novels as she wandered into her world of fantasy.

That’s how Y/N felt. That’s what she loved about the man she never even knew.

Benedict was a busy man no doubt at all. Being a brilliant actor being the major factor. Rest was a far off concept to him but he preferred to spend it with himself. Self conversationing helped him a lot when he was nervous or when he practised his scenes by himself. Her voice always helped him out. He’d say his dialogues out loud and he’d read the rest in his head her voice reciting them full of emotion. He thought her voice was the only one. 

She was the only one for him.

Well you must wonder why Y/N never knew about her soulmate till now if she would’ve heard him on TV or movies but to Y/N that was a bit unfamiliar. It wasn’t something that she often watched.

Work was always hectic. Today was no less. A Marvel film was being shot at London and Ben obviously was present adorning his Dr.Strange costume waiting for his part. It was winter the city was wet and cold. ‘Definitely need coffee Ben’, her voice thought for him. A little smile found it’s way onto his face as he walked up to Tom who wore his signature black outfit from Ragnarok as he stared up at his friend with a smile. “I could really appreciate a cuppa right now.  Know a place ?”

The bakery was jam-packed. Y/N was busy with the macaroons and the pastries as they got immediately sold out. She wanted to scream. Too many. She wanted to just finish and get out of there. 

Nobody noticed the two obliviously handsome actors at the bakery. It was too crowded and everyone wanted their stuff so that they could get out and finally gasp a breath of air as they could savour their food. “Are you sure about this place?”, Ben asked Tom, both hot on their heels walking with the que every two minutes. The addressed looked at him with a deadpan face. “Trust me, Y/N makes the best cakes I have ever eaten. Never seen her in the front desk but she is a god given gift.”


The name rolled on Ben’s tongue as he whispered. Something about that name just….felt right.

“Alright gentlemen I would love to gawk at Britan’s finest actors if they hadn’t come in during heavy work hours but gotta do business so tell me what can I get you,” the lady at the register spoke as Ben looked at her and smiled looking back at Tom who grinned “Please tell me Y/N made the macaroons and pastries today also some coffee….”,he asking hoping it was true. The woman smiled,”You are a lucky man, she is just finishing up the last batch before sprinting home. Poor thing has been working overtime nowadays. Y/N are you done sweetie ?”, she yelled into the room rushing out with the sweet treats.

Y/N was too busy packing up her things and leaving that she barely noticed the question “Yeah! Just sent it out and I’m leaving BYE!” and with that she ran out of the back door back to her house.

Her voice had startled Benedict, it sounded familiar but he couldn’t point it out. “Ben you okay mate ?”, Tom looked at him with brows furrowed concerned at his constant spacing out.

Oh fuck.

“I think I just found who my soulmate is.” If Thomas Hiddleston was animated his eyes would have popped out of his sockets and his jaw dropped to the floor. 

“WHAT !?”

Now Y/N was blissfully unaware of this of course. She lay on her bed at home when today of all days she decided to join her roommate and her movie marathon. “What are you watching ?”, she questioned her roommate. “Dr. Strange….” Y/N smiled as she plopped down beside her friend. “You know that guy who plays Loki, Tom ? He comes over to eat my pastries at the bakery all the time” “Seriously? And you never told me ?” ”Well, I just recalled okay ! I’m sorry !”, Y/N had giggled watching the other whine.

The movie had started and for the first time Y/N was engrossed in something as much as her book. The voice of the main character had made her still, completely unable to move as her roommate looked at her worried. “Y/N ? Do you not like the movie?”

No way…..

With a shaking hand she touched his face paused on the screen. “I think this man is my soulmate…..”. The other dropped the bowl in her hand, popcorn dropping all over the floor. 

“Shut the fuck up……”

Y/N drove silently in her car. Her mind recalling yesterday’s incident over and over again there was only one place she wanted to go and she was lucky enough for it to be the weekend. 

The Freedom Palace stood where it was, no changes to it. Parking the car Y/N didn’t wait. She sped down the stairs closing the door behind herself, sighing in relief as she brushed her fingers across the books.

Ben was messed up too since the bakery. He had messed up twice in the same scene so the director had told him to take a day off and cool down and that’s what he was going to do. Driving right through the outskirts of London he comes across deserted land. An abandoned stone hut, a car parked not far away from it. Curiosity is something human’s cannot resist and Benedict Cumberbatch just happened to be human. 

Parking his car beside the one he saw he ventured into the rundown place. It was almost as if it was pulling him towards it as he walked down the stairs, Fairy lights decorating the door as he gently pushed on it . The whiff of the place caught him off guard at first. The aged library smell mixed with floral scents from candles. He looked around to see the books galore, a place that was definately going to somewhere he was going to frequent more he had mentally decided. 

He froze when he heard humming. A voice he would recognize anywhere. “Y/N?”, he accidentaly spoke out loud. There was a panicked rustle as he walked to the source. Where he heard her. She just stood there in shock her eyes as wide as they could get. “B-Benedict ??”, she whispered almost as if she was testing his name on her lips. Ben had nothing to say. He was still trying to process that she was real as he nodded his head and walked closer to her. 

Y/N wasn’t expecting this. She had given up on meeting her soulmate years ago and she gave up even the fleeting thought of it when she found out he was a world famous actor. But there he stood. In all his glory, mouth open gawking at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered to him. Not like she felt any different she was shocked at how he found her or how he even knew her name but it it didn’t matter now. Not when she finally has him.

Ben didn’t wait. He took Y/N’s hand in his and lovingly kissed the back of it. “Your voice enchanted me for quite a while miss…..”, he whispered to her as he looked at her in the eyes. Soft music played in the background appropriate lyrics sung in a foreign language. 

“You waited for a long time

Hello, my soulmate

Everything became more like you

A transparent knot has been tied

You can’t leave this place, not even for a moment”

“You sure took your time sir…..”,she whisper teased back as she placed her hands on his chest. His wrapping around her waist as his eyes fell on the title of book she was reading.


“I know…..and I’m not planning on letting go…..”, he said before placing his lips on hers.

“You waited for a long time

Hello, my soulmate

Everything became more like you

A transparent knot has been tied

You can’t leave this place, not even for a moment”

—The End—

*pants and does victory dance because I fucking finally finished with this*. I really thank @tom-hlover  for being so patient with me. I really hope you all like this ! Please like,share and reblog my work if you like it to support me. Also please do not plagarise my hard work. Thank you guys so mych for reading. Comments and feedback is really appreciated! 

~Love, Hri
