#benny miller headcanons


Headcanons + Drabble: Ben Miller flirting, falling in love and confessing to the reader (+ first kiss)

Requested By:Anonymous

Pairing: Ben Miller x GN!Reader


General Taglist:@criminaly-supernatural,@caswinchester2000,@imaginesfire,@rexit-mo


Flirting > Falling In Love

  • He found you attractive, and funny, so of course this lead him to flirting with you.
  • He didn’t really think anything would come from it, but he did it anyways, because he was just a flirty guy in general.
  • Ben found that he liked the way you’d get a bit flustered or blushy if he flirted with you, so in some ways it a bit of a joke to him at first.
  • He would call you a variety of nicknames, usually a random one in the moment, they were always changing.
  • Sweetheart or Love (when he wanted to make you blush), Robin (he was batman), Sherlock (when you did something intelligent that often saved the group).
  • Slowly, he started to notice the way your smile or laugh made his heart flutter. Or the way his eyes would seek you out to make sure you were close.
  • He seemed to always want to be around you, seeking you out so he could be nearby. He just loved being around you.
  • If you attended one of his fights, it made him work harder, as he found himself wanting to impress you.
  • When he got hurt, you would worry over him, and he loved it.
  • If you were ever put in a dangerous situation, he was protective before hand, but he started to notice that it got worse over time.
  • He never wanted you to go off alone, and if he lost contact with you for even a moment, he would start to panic.
  • It didn’t really click for him that he was developed honest-to-God feelings for you until William called him a “love-sick puppy”
  • Once he realized that he had fallen for you, and no longer just saw you as a good friend, he wasn’t really surprised, not upset in any way. He was just afraid that you would never feel the same.
  • When he confided in the boys about his feelings, they laughed at him because they already knew.
  • And once they reassured him that you certainly returned his feelings, he decided not to run from them.

Confessing + First Kiss:

  • Benny got into his own head about how to tell you how he felt.
  • He wanted to say it right, he wanted it to be a romantic confession, though he wasn’t sure how to do that.
  • You were the first person he felt genuine and strong feelings for. He didn’t just want this to be a casual relationship, he wanted it to be more, and to last a long time.
  • He thought maybe he should ask you on a date, or to go out for some coffee, breakfast, dinner maybe.
  • But one day, when you had been hanging out with the group, and you announced you were going home, he decided now was the moment.
  • So he offered to walk you home, as it was starting to get dark.
  • You smiled, and accepted the offer, silently relieved, as you never really liked walking the distance alone. Plus, you liked spending time with him.
  • The evening was nice and cool, but not cold.
  • The sky was a nice grey-blue, with a few clouds scattered along the sky.
  • You walked in silence for a while, before you came across an empty playground.
  • You smiled and made a comment about how you had spent a lot of time thee as a kid.
  • Ben, being the childish sort, ran over to the playground, calling out to you to come over.
  • Joining him at the swings, you sat beside each other. You swung slowly, as Ben swung high, the seat creaking with his adult weight.

You smiled softly to yourself as you looked around the desolate playground, not noticing that Ben had almost come to a stop in his swing. Hearing him clear his throat you looked over, only to find him staring at you.

“What is it?” You sat up a bit, startled by the sudden change in his demeanor.

“Oh, nothing bad, I just-” He hesitated as he scratched his neck. “I’ve just bee hoping to get you alone for a while now.”

“Oh? Why?” You asked softly, hoping your nervousness wasn’t obvious in your voice.

He kept looked between his feet, to you as he seemed to be struggling to find his words.

“Ben?” You asked softly.

His eyes met yours and you saw him let out a soft breath. It seemed to happen in the blink of an eye before he was leaning out of his swing, the chain twisted so he was facing you. His hand was cupping your cheek, and his lips were against yours.

You froze for a second as you processed what was happening. Then, closing your eye, you let yourself sink into the kiss. A moment later, he pulled away. Your eyes slowly opened as you met his eyes. He was smiling softly, but he could see your gaze was curious.

“Sorry. Uh-I- I was gonna ask you on a date, or something, so I could tell you how I felt. But, seeing you this close, I couldn’t help myself. But I, really like you Y/n, more than I thought I could see, well, anyone really.”

A smile crossed your face, and his own widened a bit.

“I’m hoping that smile doesn’t mean you’re appalled or anything.”

A soft chuckle escaped as you shook your head. “Of course not Ben. I feel the same.”

He nodded his head and smiled. “Good.” You saw his eyes drift to your lips before he spoke again. “Then, you wouldn’t mind, if I did it again?”

You let out a soft giggle and shook our head. “No, I wouldn’t mind at all.”

xx End xx
