#bertolt fubar


  • If Bertolt were to find you having a panic attack, the poor boy would be absolutely terrified and not know what to do
  • All he knows is that he wants you to stop crying
  • At first he’ll freeze and watch you for a moment, seeing if you’re hurt or in danger. Then he’ll approach you slowly
  • When you barely take any notice of him, his worry increases and he pulls you onto his lap, long arms pulling you against his chest
  • He generally tries to do what he’s seen other people do. Stroking your hair and shushing you quietly, trying to get the tears to stop
  • He doesn’t really know what to say and he probably gets very tongue tied. He probably gets even more sweaty as well, jut because he’s worried
  • If it’s right before/after an expedition, he knows there’s nothing to be said anyway and will probably just remind you of where you are and that you’re safe with him 
  • When he realises he’s just gotta let you cry it out, he’ll settle for rubbing your back, feeling pretty helpless 
  • Once you’ve stopped crying and can talk, he actually gives some really good advice
  • If you’re anxious about something to do with titans or the colossal/armoured titan, he feels extremely guilty and gets quite firm about it
  • “Hey, look at me. I promise they’ll never hurt you, do you hear me? And next time you see them, I’ll be there.”
  • You find he becomes more protective over you once he knows about your anxiety, standing in the background or having a reassuring hand on your shoulder
  • He just cares so deeply about you that he wants to make sure this never happens again