#bess marvin


Every Ace and Nancy Moment
1x03 The Curse of the Dark Storm 2/5

Ace: She said motive. Something about his juvenile conviction?
Bess: Wait, did he do something violent?
George: Like how violent? Like assault? Robbery?
Bess: Did he kill someone?
Nancy: No, manslaughter’s different.
Ace:But he did kill someone?
Nancy: I don’t have all the facts. He-he never told me what happened.

Ace:What made the cops look at Nick?

Every Ace and Nancy Moment
1x03 The Curse of the Dark Storm 1/5

Nancy: George is extra prickly today.
Ace: She kicked a blood bucket. So the curse says she’ll be dead inside a year.
Bess: Wait, you saw it?
Ace: Yeah. There’s a lot of it. It’ll ruin your morning.
Nancy: Please. George doesn’t believe in curses. It’s the one thing we agree on.
Ace: Then she’s probably worried about the nor'easter storm that’s coming. The locals tell tales.
Nancy: Tales as in fictional stories.
Bess: Yeah, okay.
Ace: About how the nor'easter blows restless spirits ashore.
Bess: Oh, dear.
(entry bell jingles)
Nancy: I’ll get it.

nancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. younancy-drews:MAKE ME CHOOSE → anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters↳ i could be your anchor. you


MAKE ME CHOOSE anonymous asked platanchors or fan sisters

↳ i could be your anchor. your platanic anchor. call it a platanchor, if you’ll let me.

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“The Confession of the Long Night”

Lyrics: Silk Chiffon | MUNA feat. Phoebe Bridgers x
