#betty cooper


So sorry (not sorry)

But I love season 1 Alice Cooper, like what a woman

So I know Jughead’s dad is terrible at parenting, but I’m proud of him. That was some solid parenting in episode 10. Guys, he is the reason Jughead and Betty are still together… All because Jughead’s dad wouldn’t let his son walkout on the best thing that’s every happened to him. Good job, dad.

Is that… Jughead’s sweater?

Is that… Jughead’s sweater?

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For Betty and Jughead having such insanely messed up teenage lives, Bughead is probably the healthieFor Betty and Jughead having such insanely messed up teenage lives, Bughead is probably the healthieFor Betty and Jughead having such insanely messed up teenage lives, Bughead is probably the healthieFor Betty and Jughead having such insanely messed up teenage lives, Bughead is probably the healthieFor Betty and Jughead having such insanely messed up teenage lives, Bughead is probably the healthie

For Betty and Jughead having such insanely messed up teenage lives, Bughead is probably the healthiest relationship ever. Being there for each other all the time. Accepting everything about each other. Showing affection for gratitude and appreciation, as well as love… Not just because its normal. This is what relationships are supposed to be like.

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So I just want to say… “What the hell, Archie?” What an incredibly low blow. I mean, I know hSo I just want to say… “What the hell, Archie?” What an incredibly low blow. I mean, I know hSo I just want to say… “What the hell, Archie?” What an incredibly low blow. I mean, I know hSo I just want to say… “What the hell, Archie?” What an incredibly low blow. I mean, I know h

So I just want to say… “What the hell, Archie?” What an incredibly low blow. I mean, I know he’s jealous over basically losing two best friends to each other, but he completely threw Jughead under the bus right in front of Betty. Archie knows how much Jughead cares about her, and Archie completely stomped all over that. No warning at all. I mean, the devastation is real. Thank the stars Betty is a fantastic person.

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lol… he is so uncomfortable. Jughead is such a good boyfriend. :D

lol… he is so uncomfortable. Jughead is such a good boyfriend. :D

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I just want to put this out there. In large, the reaction towards Jughead and Betty has been widely positive–which is kind of surprising, but in a good way. Large groups of people support the ship. But here’s what is absolutely killing me right now. I can’t seem to watch a single video with them in it as a couple without seeing somewhere in the comments someone say something like, “Yeah, but they’re not endgame” or “Archie and Betty are confirmed endgame.” Guys… I would love to see Jughead and Betty be end game. I think they deserve to be because they are great for each other. Even if they aren’t, though, you guys aren’t seeming to understand one key detail. Jughead and Betty are canon right now. They are the real thing and they both really care about each other. 

And to everyone who thinks Jughead can’t hold  relationship because he’s supposed to be asexual. Those are the people talking who have never had a relationship without sex. Please, let me enlighten you. It can happen. It does happen. Sometimes its actually deeper and more beautiful.

So please, stop with the negativity. Stop inventing theories about what might happen at the end of the series, and just enjoy how beautiful they are with each other right now. You think you can do that? Please at least try.


…on Betty’s finger in Jughead’s weird dream. Guys… Jughead dreamt he was married to Betty!

Gotta admit, I think this was the best episode of the season.

There was

  • Adorable Bughead moments
  • Everyone acting like normal high school seniors (or as normal as you get in riverdale)
  • Everyone acting like the last few episodes didn’t happen
  • A great cliffhanger
  • A pretty good plot twist
  • More of Kevin and Reggie
  • Badass parents
  • The writing in general was just amazing

I wish all riverdale episodes were written as well as this one, it gave me season one vibes and I loved it

(And dont mind me in the corner crying because this episode was heavily based on saving prom and having a good (for the most part) senior experience (aka as Cheryl put it: going through 4 years of hell and wanting what they deserve) while I wont get to properly finish out my senior year of high school)

I didn’t even bother watching tonight’s episode of riverdale, but from what I’m reading from the tags people are saying Betty isnt REALLY over Archie, and that Cherl was wrong for telling Betty that she was “in love with the idea of Archie” and that her and Jug are “endgame”

Well heres my thoughts on it. Cheryl was 100% CORRECT.

Betty never will be 100% over Archie. He was her first “love”, even if she was just in love with the idea of him. Which she was. In season one when she was trying to confess at the dance, she admitted that now she was a cheerleader she saw them as being a sort of power couple. Maybe she really loved him at first, but then it just became the idea of him. And then she fell for Jughead.

You can never really get over someone that you loved, especially if you’ve been in love with them since you were young. But eventually after so long, after waiting and waiting for them to notice you, that love becomes a fantasy. Nothing more than a dream of what you want to happen. Then after awhile you move on.

And that’s what Betty did. She moved on.

What happened with the past few episodes was Betty getting a taste of that dream again, and missing it. She saw that Archie wanted her to, so she went for it thinking that maybe they could be a reality. The problem is that’s all in the past, and she just needed to be snapped out of it.

Cheryl was 100% right for telling Betty what she did, and she is 100% correct. Betty was just in love with the idea of Archie for the longest time. Now she has Jughead, and their relationship is real. Sure, theres probably gonna be a big blowup when he finds out what happened but that’s not the point here.

The point is that Cheryl is correct, and I stand by what she said.
