#beyond the quizzing glass


Yes, you’ve read that right. This story has sat idle for too long, and it was high time I continued.

You will find the latest chapter here, but here’s a warning: It’s a wordy chapter but not terribly exciting, I’m afraid. It’s about Lestrade receiving a summons by Sherlock Holmes, about how he prepares for this trip and also, his friendship with Jem, Mycroft’s tiger, gets a little more room. For…reasons.

It took me a while to ease myself back into that world so please bear with me if you find this new chapter a little un-exciting. Soon, there will be Holmes aplenty, and Anthea and her little son Frederick (Mycroft’s godson), too, and Mycroft - the Earl of Halsbury - will come to doubt his own decision. I promise.

Like I said in my earlier post about this story, I’ve edited the whole thing so it all will make more sense as we go along, and I’ve also updated the tags and rewrote the blurb.

I hope you’ll like it :-)

