#bh6 high voltage


Is anyone still active? I haven’t posted much of BH6 fan art because I haven’t been motivated, but I feel like I may get back to it again soon




okay but everyone saying they hated big hero 7 entirely because they don’t like richardson mole is whack. just because you don’t like one character doesn’t mean you should hate the whole episode. have all the opinions you want but those too things have no correlation. i dont like the mad jacks, i find them annoying, but did that ruin the impatient patient?? no.

Agreed. The episode was good, but not the best in my books. (That one is a tie between “The Impatient Patient” and “Small Hiro One”, with “Mini Max” as a close second.)

ID E S P I S E Richardson, but his presence didn’t make the episode any less interesting.

Though this episode was supposed to expand on Fred and Richardson’s hatred for each other, I feel as though Barb and Juniper stole the spotlight.

This episode captures the logical fact that Mother-Daughter relationships aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. There are fights, silent treatments, and a whole bunch of other things that can cause tension. But in the end, they see each other through and still love one another to no limits. (At least that’s what I saw.)

Anyway, don’t bash the episode for the fact that an annoying character was part of the main focus.

(Also, I love Barb. She wants what’s best for Juniper, even if what she thinks the best is crime dancing. She may be a villain, but she’s a good mom too.)

yes fam i will literally stan high voltage until the day i die

