#big finish audio


I made Braxiatel, Romana, and Narvin from unmodified LEGO parts. Leela’s arms are swapped, her legs are custom printed, and her loincloth (which I hand-painted) is from @brickwarriors

Jack in The Year After I Died not realising he’s immortal yet and spending half the audio worrying about getting killed.


A bunch of stuff I drew for a fic I wrote this winter:

These drawings are ooooooold I drew them last October XD My art has even improved since then, so they kind of went through what happens to old drawings: they stayed in the drawer, especially since they’re angsty (like me dehehe). Anyways, publicly outing myself as a very angsty person who likes to put characters in bad situations - but don’t worry there are laughs and hugs too in this. Some scenes I changed or didn’t keep the same in the final fic, but I still love all these drawings/brainstorming stuff for the story :D

You can tell the comics weren’t planned bc there are no panels whatsoever I was just angsting in my lil room XD
