#big ramble



so i’ve been think-thunking … i think it may be a good idea to make my recolors standalone ? with so many palettes, the swatches get VERY overwhelming if u have them all in ur game at once (like me)

i put in the effort to make sure the sec display index numbers are ordered and spaced out so no palettes get mixed up, but it still is a pain to look at. it definitely would be impossible to go back and update ALL of those files/swatches if i wanted to add a new palette. i would maybe go back and make new standalones for hairs i have previously recolored but idk yet its a lotta work hehe

does this sound okay to u all ? i also like to do editing a lot and would love to make custom thumbnails for the recolors ksldksjs

lemme know what u think if u bothered to read all this HA
