#billy hargrove x femreader



Eyes, Smiles and Touches

Billy Hargrove x fem!reader, Steve Harrington x fem!reader, Eddie Munson x fem!reader 

Word Count: 2.5k 

Warnings: some suggestive dialogue 

Author’s Note: before you all ask im not writing a part 2 because then i would have to chose one of them and i REFUSE (billy)

Summary: You’re reallyclose friends with three of the guys from Hawkins High. Also Billy didn’t die in starcourt cause reasons 

I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator

(not my gif)

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guess what I just updated

I am susceptible to a bit of peer pressure

Eyes, Smiles and Touches

Billy Hargrove x fem!reader, Steve Harrington x fem!reader, Eddie Munson x fem!reader (some Robin Buckley x fem!reader)

Word Count: 2.5k 

Warnings: some suggestive dialogue 

Author’s Note: before you all ask im not writing a part 2 because then i would have to chose one of them and i REFUSE (billy)

Summary: You’re reallyclose friends with three of the guys from Hawkins High. Also Billy didn’t die in starcourt cause reasons 

I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator

(not my gif)

You weren’t sure when you had accumulated the three boys as friends. You hadn’t actively sought out any of them but one day you woke up and you realized the very obvious information. You were friends with Billy andSteveand Eddie. They couldn’t be more different from each other. They couldn’t be further away in groups of friends. Yet somehow you had sparked a conversation with all of them and managed to get them to like you. 

It baffled you when you realized it. 

But you weren’t complaining. 

Billy was smoking. What was once a hobby had become a dependence after Star Court. He had been chain smoking ever since the incident he could barely remember. He didn’t have many of the memories but he sure as hell had the scars to prove it happened. His hair was curled but somewhat matt to his head. 

“I hate this job,” he muttered, looking out at the pool. 

“Why do you still work here?” you questioned, looking up from your book. You were sitting by the life guards seat to keep him company during his shift. You had offered. You weren’t doing anything and you desperately needed a distraction from the impending adulthood that was looming over your head since graduation. 

“Because it pays. And I get to see babes in swimsuits,” he said blankly. He offered you his cigarette which you took and then smashed into the ground beside you. “I wasn’t done with that.”

“Yes you were,” you said, looking back down at your book. He scoffed childishly. You looked back up at him, moving your sunglasses down to get a better look at him. “What are you, twelve?” He stared back down at you and now you were staring into each other’s eyes and you tried to ignore the shiver that was going down your spine.

“I like your swimsuit,” he said smoothly. You flushed, looking away, needingto break eye contact. 

“Thanks. I like your lifeguarding outfit.”

“Wish they would just let me go shirtless,” he said off handedly but you could tell he was trying to be sly about it. You and Billy had always flirted but it wasn’t ever going to go any further. You wouldn’t be one of those girls who slept with Hargrove and let him forget she existed. You were forcing yourself to be different. 

“You would be oh so distracting to the group of moms,” you said, gesturing to his crowd. They were very poorly acting like they weren’t starring. 

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t like to see me half naked for you. You got a toothpick?” You cleared your throat and grabbed a toothpick from your bag, handing it up to him. 

“Am I that transparent?” you joked. He half smiled. 

“Where were you yesterday?”

“I was with Eddie and the kids. They needed a princess figure,” you explained, kicking your feet in the cool water. He rolled his eyes. 


No one really knew why Billy liked you around. It annoyed Carol the most who was sitting across the pool with her annoying family. He just wasn’t the type of guy to have girl friends, a harsh space between ‘girl’ and ‘friend’. 

You had to have slept together, she decided. 


Later that week you walked into the video store. You grabbed one of the complimentary lolly pops off the counter and then walked around it, through the employees only sign and into the back of the check out desk. Robin was standing there, pleasantly watching as you pretended to own the place. 

“Did we hire you?” she questioned, leaning her arms on the desk behind her. 

“Let’s just say yes. Where’s Steve?” 

“Probably weeping in the romance section.”

“Stop letting that man in there. There’s only so much mopping up tears we can do as a team Robin.” She smiled slyly, shaking her head. 

“I think it’s funny. He keeps showing the girls the shitty ones. They love it.” 

“I’m sure they do.”

“What are you doing here?” Steve asked. He was walking out of the romance section which caused you and Robin to share a look. He walked in front of you and leaned against the desk beside Robin. She moved so that you could stand where she was. 

“Coming to see my favorite video employee. Robin.” 

“Ha ha.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s a pleasure to see you.”

“Oh it always is. I’m fantastic.” You smiled at him and he was smiling back. People liked to say that the best part of Steve was his hair but those people must have never seen his genuine smile. The way it lit up his eyes was unmatched. “Do you have any recommendations for me today Harrington?” 

“Always. Robin and I have been watching shitty movies all week. I even saved you a copy of Evil Dead.”

“I’ve seen Evil Dead.”

“I know but I love to watch it with you. Don’t you think Ash and I are similar?”

“One could say that.” You followed him through the stacks. “Simply because you both exude the same dumbass energy.” He was in the romance stacks now and you were following him. You were alone between two stacks that were filled with movie covers that starred people with longing looks. You tried your best to ignore them. 

“What have you been up to? I came by yesterday and you were out.”

“I was at the pool.” 

“Still babysitting Hargrove?” He didn’t meet your eyes, intentionally staring at the movie covers, scanning for something. 

“I was keeping him company. Don’t you worry about it Stevie. We all know you have the best hair around still.” 

“I had no doubt about it. I’m legendary for these locks. I forgot what I was looking for.”

“I have that effect on people.” 

Robin was kind of sick of staring at the two of you as you walked through the stacks of movies. The way you looked at each other, she had half a mind to smach Steve upside the head for not seeing it. Though, maybe it’s something that’s already happened. She just wished Vickie would look at her like the way Steve looked at you. 


“Why can’t Nancy drive you?” you asked Dustin who was standing in the doorway of your home. He was accompanied by Mike and Lucas, all three of them wearing matching Hellfire shirts. 

“Because she’s busy with the paper,” Mike complained. 

“And Steve’s working,” Dustin explained. “Please? It’s too far to bike. There’s a chocolate bar in it for you if you go through with it.” You sighed and rolled your eyes. 

“You’re lucky I just got gas.” You grabbed your keys as the boys clapped in excitement. You followed them out to your car and they all piled in so that you could drive them to the school where Eddie and his crew were already waiting to play a campaign. “So this is a big one?”

“One of them,” Lucas explained. “Eddie’s been working on this one for two weeks.” 

“He’s a very dedicated man,” you said, pulling out of the driveway. 

“You would love it!” Dustin chimed in. “Seriously. You should play with us sometime.”
“I don’t know how.”

“We can teach you,” Mike said calmly. He had hopped into the passenger seat while Lucas and Dustin stuck to the backseats. “It’s really simple once you get the hang of it.”
You drove them to the school with relative chatter. They explained the rules to you which went directly over your head. But you listened and nodded because the conversation was fun regardless. You arrived at the school soon enough and parked out front. You wanted to say hi to Eddie anyway. 

You followed them inside. 

The room was set up to the nines. There were props everywhere. Even the lighting was fixed. You could hardly tell this used to be a science classroom just yesterday. 

“You’ve arrived!” Eddie exclaimed, sitting at the head of the table. He had his feet up on the table, tossing a dice in the air and catching it again. “And you brought company.”
“Hey Eds,” you said smoothly. “I just wanted to see the set up. This looks pretty legit.”

“As legit as it can get!” Eddie stood up quickly and walked over to where you were standing. He put his hand on your back and gestured widley to the table. “This is the kingdom. You know you’re welcome to join anytime. We could use another player.” His touch made you shiver involuntarily. You fought the urge to clear your throat as you stared at him instead of his set up. 

“I don’t wanna intrude, especially as a newbie. Plus, I told Steve I would watch a movie with him today. But maybe you could give me some one-on -one lessons sometime Munson.” He smiled, nodding once. 

“It would be my honor. Don’t let Harrington keep you too long.” 

“Shoo! We’ve got a game to play!” Dustin exclaimed. You raised your hands in surrender. 

“Alright alright! Nancy’s picking you guys up yeah?”

“Yeah yeah,” Lucas said, sitting down eagerly. 

“It was nice to see you,” Eddie said, removing his hand from your back. You felt the absence. 

“And you. Have a wonderful campaign.” 

“We will. Keep your schedule open for a one on one.” 

Watching you and Eddie made Mike miss El. He had been having some conflicted feelings about her lately but he missed that. The playful joking, the hesitance and the lingering touches. 

He wondered if you and Eddie had admitted it to yourselves how you felt. 


You left the room shortly after and ran right into Nancy. 

“What are you doing here?” she asked, holding a stack of papers in her arms. You shrugged. 

“I was dropping off your brother and his friends for D&D.”

“Did you see Eddie?” she asked, teasingly. “Or were you maybe on your way to see Steve. Or better yet, to get in the car with Billy.” You rolled your eyes. 

“They’re my friends. You have friends. You’re friends with Jake.”
“Jake doesn’t look at me like he wants to tear my clothes off.”

“I beg to differ. I think Jake worships you,” you huffed. She smiled knowingly, shaking her head. 

“You really don’t know?”

“No Nancy. We’re all just friends.”

“If you were just friends with all of them then I think the school and half of Hawkins would be surprised. I was asked to put a pole on which of them you were actually sleeping with into the paper. I obviously declined. That’s salacious and disgusting.”

“Thank you.”

“But you should know, it’s out there. And they know.” There were some people walking down the hall and she suddenly straightened up. “I have to go. Think about it!” She scurried away. You watched her go, ignoring the pit of nerves in your stomach.


Billy didn’t actually know Steve worked at the video shop. He had been completely ignoring the boy where he could. Of course he had heard of your lack of relationship with the former king of Hawkins High. But that day, he wasn’t seeking anythingout. 


Eddie also was not aware that Steve worked there. More so because he never went to the video store than pure ignorance. 

Steve had just emerged from the back room and stood behind the counter, looking down a large stack of things he had to restock. Two stacks to his left was Eddie, browsing the sci fi section. He was trying to decide if picking up Alien again was worth it. A stack to Steve’s right was Billy in the small rack of magazines the store held. He was thumbing through the dirty ones absentmindedly. 

He picked one up and took it to the counter. He thought about swiping it but decided to be good today so that he could come back another day. He put it down and looked up at Steve who met his eyes from behind the stack of videos.



Eddie, clueless, walked behind them and got in line with Alien. He was kind of jazzed about it until he raised his head.

“Eddie?” Steve asked. Billy turned around. 

“You’re Eddie? You look like a hippie,” Billy muttered, suddenly needing a cigarette. “I expected glasses.”

“Wait, are you Billy? Lifeguard Billy?” Eddie questioned. “I’ve only heard the legends. Like you and every single girl to ever walk this Earth.”

“Oh my count isn’t nearly as high as Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington’s,” Billy promised through gritted teeth. 

The elephant in the room was plainly clear but none of them were willing to bring you up. 

“Hey Y/N just called and said you should put Evil Dead on hold…for her..” Robin said, trailing off as she watched the interaction happen. She cleared her throat. “She’s coming by soon.”

“How soon?” Steve asked, eyes remaining on the side of Billy’s head. 

“Like five minutes out she said,” Robin said awkwardly. A man got in line behind Eddie, prompting Steve to take Billy’s magazine and ring him up. 

“You should get lost before she comes,” Steve said lowly. Billy raised an eyebrow. 

“Harrington, you’ve already lost this fight. You remember the Byers house right?” 

“I have plans with her later anyway,” Eddie said, putting his movie down jaunty. “Maybe you should both just can it. Wanna smoke?” Eddie pulled out a cigarette, the same brand Billy smoked. He almost coughed in his face, seething. 

“I can help the next person over here,” Robin called, waving the customer down so that the guys could have their moment. 

“Stay away from her,” Billy said to no one in particular. “We all know I win this fight.”

“Sometimes brawn doesn’t beat brain. Or lack thereof,” Eddie suggested, leaning against the counter cooley. 

“Well I bet you don’t get called pretty boy now do you,” Steve asked then wondered if he was being too harsh. 

You opened the door and assessed the situation immediately. Not sure how to handle it, you stared at Robin, who was staring at you. 

Instead of facing thatup you slowly backed out of the door.

Maybe Nancy was right. 

Eyes (Billy’s ending)

Mouth (Steve’s ending)

Touch (Eddie’s ending)

Bonus (Robin’s ending)


Billy Hargrove x fem!reader

Word Count: 1.5k 

Warnings: STRANGER THINGS SEASON 4 SPOILERS, depression, grief, death, guilt tripping 

Author’s Note: hello all. I am devastated. Why cant i just have my snarky asshole back :( shout out to eddie for being some nice relief both in this fic and in the show lmao 

Summary: you are haunted by billys death in a unique way 

Genre: angst :(

I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator

(not my gif)

Sometimes when you woke up, you were light. You couldn’t feel the weight of the world on top of you yet. You just were staring at the ceiling, blissfully ignorant to any knowledge of devastation. 

And then you would remember. 

Every single morning you went through the news of Billy’s death again. After the ten seconds had passed you were suddenly hit with the moment all over. His face as he went, the chill in the air, the bleeding, the screams, the muffled world. Then the weight was back on your chest. 

It was the worst part of your day. 

Sitting in the gym you were starting to wonder if instead thiswould be the worst part of your day. 

“We need to remember Billy,” Jason Carver said, voice ridiculously serious. It felt like the whole room had their eyes on you even though realistically you knew that wasn’t true. You were sitting beside Max who shifted uncomfortably. You were only here to support Lucas. You graduated last year. “And chief of police Jim Hopper.” 

Your head was hurting. You could hear the music in Max’s walkman playing clearly. She was in the middle of a Kate Bush phase. You didn’t blame her. If there was ever music to help you get over your brother’s death, it was captured in Kate Bush’s emotions somewhere. You tried to ignore Jason as he kept speaking. 

“He’s a shitty basketball player too,” Max muttered. 

“Everyone’s shitty when you compare it to Billy and his defense,” you said back, rolling your eyes at the memory. He was an asshole on the court but it won more games than Hawkins had ever won. “Do you want me to come by tonight?” you asked her. 

“If you wanna. I doubt I’ll be very entertaining.” 

“It’s alright.” You shrugged. “I’m too tired to be entertained.”

You and Max hadn’t been close before Billy died. After, she was all you had of him and you were all she had of him. You had practically attempted to murder Neil when he left you were so angry at his grief. He didn’t get to be depressed about this when all he did was torment Billy when he was alive. 

“We can have pizza,” she suggested. 

“Sounds like a plan.” 


Max had given you some of Billy’s things. Susan didn’t want to keep anything when they moved so you had taken to wearing his denim jacket. It had stopped smelling like him ages ago but the cigarette burns never really healed. You messed with one of them as you stared forward into the trailer park. You were messing with a cigarette. You didn’t smoke but you liked to light them and stand outside. It gave you privacy. 

Max had fallen asleep a half hour before. The lights were on in the trailer directly across from hers. You flicked at the ashes as you watched Eddie Munson emerge from his home. Smoke seemed to follow him as he coughed loudly, walking messily. You watched, curiously, as he tried to open his car door and then paused. He thought about it and then sat down on the ground. 

You scoffed. What was his deal? 

“Hey! Hey!” he called. You rolled your eyes. You hadn’t meant for him to see you. He scrambled up and walked over to you. “Do you have a light? I left mine in my car and shit knows where my keys are.” He stopped a few feet from you. You looked down at your cigarette, knowing it was obvious you couldn’t turn him down. You sighed and took out your lighter from your jacket pocket and handed it to him. 


“You’re a lifesaver,” he said, sighing. He took it from you and your fingers brushed. You cleared your throat, teetering back and forth on your feet. He took out a smoke and lit it, wrapping his hand in it, holding it up with his pinky in the same way Billy used to do it. With the dark of the night and his hair, you could almost pretend he was Billy for a moment. “What are you doing at the Mayfields?”

You shrugged. 

“Family friend.” 

He nodded slowly. 

“Well thanks for this. I owe you one!” he exclaimed, clearly high on something. You smiled once and took your lighter back. He waved as he walked back. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. 

“Billy would’ve hated him,” you muttered to yourself and laughed dryly. You tossed the non smoked cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, turning around to walk back in the house to say goodbye to Max. 

A shadow seemed to go over the night. You turned around, confused and looked up at the sky. It had been a clear night just a moment ago. 

“Y/N.” You jumped at the voice, turning back to the field. 

“Eddie?” you called, even though you recognized the voice. But it couldn’t be. Obviously not. “This isn’t funny.’ 

You walked into the field between the trailers. 

“Come here sweets.” You shivered at the voice, feeling your heart break a little in your chest. 

“Billy?” you whispered. His voice seemed to echo in the outside space. You walked to the edge of the woods, turning your head aggressively, trying to find the source of the voice. 

There was a clock. Between two trees, blocking the void of darkness. It chimed and ticked quietly. You stood a couple of feet away from it, trying to figure out what was going on. Your mind was racing and the fluctuation of your emotions wasn’t helping your case. 

“Y/N.” You turned around, feeling breath on your back. 

And there he was. 

Billy.YourBilly. The one you saw in the morning before he could antagonize anyone. The Billy that used to buy you milkshakes and wait for you by his car after school and close down the locker rooms when you were changing at the pool. 

His hair was curled to perfection. His lips were slightly parted. He had on a white undershirt and his jeans. You were too stunned to think. 

“Billy?” you whimpered. “How-”

“How could you let this happen?” he asked. Your brows furrowed into confusion.


“You stood there and you watched me die. You let me die. You let me die.” You shook your head.

“That’s not true. I was trying to help. I grabbed the fireworks and I fought the damn thing and I ran to you. I did everything I could.”
“But you weren’t with me that day I crashed my car. You let this happen to me.”

Like a timelapse his skin started to become filled with protruding veins. His hair was damp now, his shirt soaked with sweat. He was walking towards you and you were backing up. 

“I didn’t know-”

“But you did. You know that somewhere in you, you were gladto be rid of me. Glad you could move on. Glad you weren’t being held back.”

“No. That’s not true. Billy, I loveyou.” 

Your back hit the clock and you turned around quickly. 

Then it was all gone. You turned back around and Billy wasn’t there anymore. Your chest was rising and falling quickly, panicked tears starting to escape your eyes. You grabbed your stomach, trying to rationalize what the hell was happening. 

“Hey are you okay?” Eddie called. He was walking towards you but you hadn’t seen him leave his trailer. “You were just kinda standing. Did you take something?”

“No,” you said, too quickly, voice blocked by tears. “I’m fine.”

“Woah, clearly not.” 

“I’m okay I just…thought I saw something.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t drive home. You can stay with the Mayfields right?” You nodded quickly, trying to slow your breathing. 

“Yeah. Good idea.”

“Can I walk you inside?” You nodded, taking his hand. He walked you to the door and you were trying to hold back sobs. You opened the front door and he smiled weakly, just trying to help.

“Thanks Eddie.”

“Hey I said I owed you one. Try and uh…sleep. You don’t look so good.”

“I will. Thank you. Goodnight.” You shut the door gently on him, trying not to see Billy in his hair or in his hands. You stumbled into Max’s small space. You sat on the bed beside her sleeping body. You stared at the picture of Billy and her and you on her bedside table. And you cried.

Stranger Things Tag List: @dpaccione@elisaa-shelby@purple-flamingo@trinswhimsys@valentina-luvs-u@demigirl-with-problems@chaotic-fangirl-blog@mads-weasley@alexxavicry@secret-obsessions-21-blog@mystic-writings
