#billy russo angst



Back in Time

Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader

Summary: With you by his side, Billy returns to the fire station in Albany where his mom left him as a baby.

A/N: this was a heartbreaking idea I had, so I tried so soften it with a bit of fluff at the end.

My Masterlist

The reinforced door slams shut behind Billy, and he feels the echo of it thrum through his entire body. He’s dressed in his long wool coat, leather gloves, and scarf tucked neatly between his lapels. Even under his layers, the chill of the empty fire station makes his shoulder ache.

The Albany Fire Station had been relocated ten years ago. The building that Billy had been left in as a baby was now run by a charity that wanted to preserve the city’s historic buildings.

Emotion wells in Billy’s throat as he looks around. He always shrugged off his past, claiming that it didn’t bother him. His mom had made a choice, and he had been forced to live with the consequences. It had made him a stronger man.

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Stooooooooopppppp this is the sweetest thing ever!

I love the look you give into his past and how the firefighters all loved on him as a baby. And the BEAR. AND THE PICTURES. You’re killing me in the best way. He deserved so much better.
