#billy russo x frank castle


Warning: story contains spanking between two adults. Friendly, mostly. I love them.

Kandahar, 6pm.

Billy! ”

Frank growling nearly made the tent shake when he stepped in, slapping the flaps away.

Billy Russo was alone there, his eyebrows scrunched up, a toothbrush between his teeth.

“ The fuck you sent to my wife, huh? ” rasped the man, getting closer and closer to the other.

Frank was holding a letter that he’d ripped open moments before, only to read with shock his wife angry words. He slammed it against Russo’s chest, his eyes bulging.

Fucking Billy Russo smiled at him like a motherfucker and lowered down the hand holding the toothbrush.

“ You in trouble, Frankie? ” he crooned, his nose twitching adorably and sending Frank even higher on the mountain or red rage he was clambering just about now.

“ You told… my wife… ” he begun, pushing the letter further into the other man’s chest, “ That we hooked up with a couple of ladies the other night? How the… ”

“ Relax. It was just a game, all right? Wanted to give you the scare of your life. ”

Billy’s smile widened.

“ Man, it looks like it worked. You should really write her back and tell her it was a lie, though. You know, before she divorces you and stuff. ”

Frank’s nostrils dilated right before he staggered back and flopped down on his bed, still staring at the letter in his hand like it was about to explode.

“ I should fucking kill you, Bill. I should fucking kill you. ”

Billy sneered and dragged his feet to Frank’s cot. He propped up on his elbows once he’d settled himself next to him, and tilted an ironic glance in his direction.

“ You know… the way I see it, you should thank me, Frankie boy. Maybe your wife will give you a nice good spanking once we’re back. Followed by hot steamy sex. ”

Frank tried to hold back the smile those words prompted on his face, but to no avail.

“ Yeah, right, Bill? You’re the only one who deserves a spanking, here. ”

“ Are you going to give me one? ” came the unexpected, quiet and unbothered reply.

Frank pulled his eyebrows up, then his brown eyes landed on his friend.

“ Yeah, ” he growled, before getting back to stare pointlessly at his wife’s handwriting, “ Yeah, don’t tempt me. ”

Billy rose to his feet with a soft sigh and, just before reaching the nightstand on the other side of the bed, flicked the toothbrush at the nape of Frank’s neck.

The latter whipped his head around, his eyes as wide as saucers. Billy stepped back, an exuberant laugh bubbling at his lips.

“ Sorry, man. It was just… ”

Before he could say anything else, Frank had sprang back to his feet and closed the distance between them in a few strides.

He grabbed Billy by the elbow and dropped him unceremoniously in the middle of his own bed.

He landed on his ass, still smiling up into his eyes like a motherfucker, his hair wasn’t jelled back anymore.

“ This some fantasy of yours, Frankie? ” he teased, and those words earned him a light slap on his cheek.

“ Ow! ”

It hadn’t been a blow hard enough to hurt him, but sufficient to distract him, and Frank took advantage of the time he was using to rub at his face ( and to laugh, the prick ) to turn him around until he was face down on the duvet.

Frank bent Billy’s arm behind his back, then he stopped, his eyes roaming over his friend’s body.

“ Shit. ”

“ What is it, Frankie? ” mocked Billy’s muffled voice.

“ You’re so fucking skinny. Where the fuck am I supposed to…? ”

Then he saw it, the swell of Billy’s rear inside his deep green slacks. He lifted his hand and brought it down with a sharp pop, making the boy squirm lightly in surprise.

“ Ouch, Frank. ”

He sounded amused. Frank could see the hint of a curl on his lips and it drove him crazy.

“ You still laughing, huh? ”

He held Billy’s wrist tighter and slapped his thinly-clad ass with a couple of hard slaps, making sure he felt it through the fabric of his pants.

This time, Billy hushed a groan into the bedspread.

“ I’m fucking done with you, Bill, ” growled Frank, landing three heavy blows in the middle of Russo’s rapidly reddening backside.

He watched him brush his forehead against the bedsheets, barely moving now or making a sound.

“ Oh, you’re done, huh? Such a pain in the ass. Only seems fair to give yours some. ”

Frank was smiling now. He grabbed Billy’s elbow and pulled him up again. Russo smirked back at him, the thin-paper skin on the corner of his eyes crinkling as though nothing had happened.

“ Geez, ” Frank shoved him away, eyeing that smile only once before sitting back on his bed.

“ Sorry, Frank. ”

Billy approached him with his hands shoved in his pockets, his black eyes gleaming with mirth. He didn’t look fucking “sorry” at all. And his left cheek was still exhibiting a blotch of pink.

“ Yeah, I bet you are, ” mocked Frank, huffing through his nose. He was a lost cause.

“ You gotta admit it though, ” prodded Billy, his voice singsongy as he crawled back into his own cot.

“ Had it been anyone else but you, you would’ve find it funny too, man. ”

This time, the toothbrush flew toward Billy’s forehead.
