

First Guardian Vahyadu the Vast

Founder of the biotic temple. He died long before Jagged-Tooth ever went there to study, passing more than a millennia ago as an ancient and venerated Yautja.

Isei and I were talking about fat yautja after she drew hers, and egged me on to draw one, haha. I like the idea of Vahyadu being large, because I wrote that a lot of biotic yautja are very thin because they expend a lot of energy to use their powers. He doesn’t worry about that.

The concept of fat yautja is neat and it makes sense to me. You’ve had large people who were athletes and warriors all throughout history, and size doesn’t mean you can’t be strong or agile.


First Guardian Vahyadu the Vast

Founder of the biotic temple. He died long before Jagged-Tooth ever went there to study, passing more than a millennia ago as an ancient and venerated Yautja.

Isei and I were talking about fat yautja after she drew hers, and egged me on to draw one, haha. I like the idea of Vahyadu being large, because I wrote that a lot of biotic yautja are very thin because they expend a lot of energy to use their powers. He doesn’t worry about that.

The concept of fat yautja is neat and it makes sense to me. You’ve had large people who were athletes and warriors all throughout history, and size doesn’t mean you can’t be strong or agile.

“Lessus clash”, commissioned by BioWare.It’s N7 day, and exactly 10 years since I completed fi

“Lessus clash”, commissioned by BioWare.

It’s N7 day, and exactly 10 years since I completed first Mass Effect game. This story has been my refuge and a dear friend, and it will never change. <3

Happy biotic detonations!

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biotic charge + krogan biotic throw = concussion

some old crossover concept…I was making this when I had my old account and I had the mass eff

some old crossover concept…I was making this when I had my old account and I had the mass effect OC hype lol

Raven would be without doubt an N7 fury.

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