

For those wondering where BIPOYT chapter 2 is, here’s how life is rn:

Sneak peek: ‘Baby I’m preying on you tonight’ chapter two

Sorry it’s been awhile since the first chapter came out. Life has really been weighing on me lately but I’m little, hopefully I can get this next chapter out and also get 'fidp’ s second chapter out too in case I accidentally hiatus again.

I haven’t tagged anyone cause I wasn’t sure if people would want to be tagged in just a sneak peek.


The sun is bright as it shines in through the gaps where the curtains meet. Jin lays under the covers creating a little bump in the bed, all cuddled up and cozy. That is until a soft sob breaks the silence in the room, followed by a  whimpering. Jin frowns groggily, his eyes scrunching up as he buries deeper in the soft fabric trying to sink back into his blissful slumber. For a moment he succeeds until another pitiful hiccupping sob breaks the silence.

With a disgruntled groan Jin turns and sit up in bed, his eyes still scrunched up in annoyance. He yawns, stretching an arm in the air as the other comes up to rub his face aimlessly. There’s a quite gasp in the room which draws Jin’s attention, dropping his arms he blinks repeatedly trying to clear his blurry vision. Beside the bed, huddled up on the floor, pressed up against the wardrobe doors is a huddled humanoid shape. Wide (E/C) eyes stare at him from where their hands have pulled a light blue fleece blanket against the bareskin of their torso.

Jin is perplexed by the situation he’s awoken to that is until his eyes are drawn further up by a quick movement. Nestled in the girl’s (H/L)(H/C) hair are two long white familiar bunny ears which twitch with each noise the house makes while settling. He goes slack jawed at the sight of the girl all curled up and shaking. Shaking away his shock he carefully removes the blanket, offering the rabbit girl a warm and hopefully inviting smile as he holds a hand out to her.

“Hey there bun” He speaks gently. It seems impossible but the poor thing’s eyes widen even further, scrambling back bumping into the wardrobe behind her, a hand still clutching the blanket to her as she stumbles on her hand and knees around to hide at the bottom of the bed.

Jin let’s out a small sigh. He knew helping the bun was gonna be tough when he first met her, but he had honestly thought she was starting to get used to him atleast. They are both prey after all.

“I’m not going to harm you bun” He’s slow in his movements as he shuffles down the bed towards the bottom. He’d rather not repeat spooking the girl. Reaching the bottom he peers over the edge, face falling further as he spots a ball of white fur sticking out from an otherwise deflated sheet on the floor.

He huffs being careful as he removes the blanket from on top of the bun, her ears straightening up immediately. Turning around to look up at the stag on the bed it squeaks and for a moment Jin is worried he’s lost all of her trust. But light smell of iron reaching his nose has him gently picking the bunny up to look her over and just like that he’s calm again.

“You need to be careful bun, those injuries need. I’m going to have to re-apply new bandages and a splint to your leg.” The white rabbit settles in his arms, confusing him further. What was all the panic about earlier if she still felt comfortable in his arms? “I think you need a bath before that though” he says fiddling with some of the mud that has dried into her fur overnight. “And I need a shower before breakfast. Come on” with a soft smile back on his face he stands up, hoisting the rabbit hybrid a little higher so she can hook her paws over his shoulder.


Hope you enjoyed this tid bit and as always my asks are always open for feedback and discussions on my stories. :)

Hey just wanted mention that I made a Tellonym account. So feel free to drop by and ask questions on series, chapters or maybe a oneshot you liked, I’d also be up to hearing story/oneshot suggestions or just your thoughts on my work/ character developments in general

My username is Gttinyprincess

Can’t wait once chapter 2 of ‘Baby I’m preying on you tonight’, sneak peek first of course.

And then straight after a follow up chapter 2, which is almost completed, for 'Friends in dark places’ a.k.a the vampire fic ^-^

Just curious but would any of you guys like a little sneak peek at chapter two of ‘Baby I’m preying on you tonight’?

Just curious

Oh my god, I hate life

The notes were under my laptop, stfg

I’m dumb

I wanted to edit more tonight but object permanence said yeet…

In other words I put my notes for this chapter down last night and poof they’ve disappeared and I dont feel like going on a scavenger hunt through my room tonight

I’m gonna scream

Editing the second chapter of Baby I’m preying on you tonight.

I’m sorry I know this had been a long wait, I’ll say it for hopefully the last time. New chapter coming soon.

236 notes on ‘Baby I’m preying on you tonight’!!!


I’m so glad that so many people are enjoying it ^-^

Just a reminder, the ‘baby I’m preying on you tonight’s’ taglist is still open. Please comment if you want to be notified of chapter 2.

Due in the next few coming weeks….

If anyone is hoping for something cute/ some kind of forgiveness between Yoongi and the reader in chapter two…I’m so sorry but its gonna be awhile before she can even make eye contact properly.

Expect a lot of angst for awhile, with some fluff and wholesome stuff sprinkled in from the other guys trying to gain her trust.

If you have any questions about ‘Baby I’m preying on you tonight’ chapter 2 or the story in general please feel free to send me asks, I enjoy reading them and replying
