

new visitor at the birde feeder

they used to be VERY SMALL

today 2 years ago mochi and ghost were found in a haystack! we got them a tube and some toys and many treats to celebrate :)


potato mochi again :)

books ive read recently. talk abt it under the cut

  1. miss benson’s beetle: fiction, for bookclub. very charming :) it is overall very good except for one specifically very weird reoccurring element. shouldve been gayer also
  2. big little lies: fiction, also for bookclub! super fun read. it builds tension VERY effectively and was so much fun. at one point i stopped listening to the audiobook and started reading the pdf to get it into my head faster because i couldnt take it anymore
  3. bug music: lovely nonfiction abt bugs and music and bug music. loved this one very much.
  4. reinventing comics: comic, literary theory. scott mccloud has 3 of these – understanding comics is the first, and very excellent – this one is DEFINITELY a period piece and is probably the weakest of the three, but still interesting and well-made
  5. making comics: comic, literary theory. probably my favorite out of the 3. super useful and excellent discussions and breakdowns of the medium, and also just a great comic on its own :)
  6. loneliness of the long-distance cartoonist: little autobio comic. very charming – the book is designed like a standard pocket sketchbook, with a little ribbon bookmark and an elastic to hold it shut? so cute. the comic itself is very well made and funny and miserable.
  7. the plague of doves: fiction. louise erdrich i love youuuu. i need to re read this one because i am very stupid and when i start reading i simply forget to look at chapter titles, which is usually fine but in this book are the way that the book tells you it has switched narrators. so i spent most of my reading experience delighted by the prose but having literally no clue what was going on
  8. oryx and crake: fiction/dystopian sci fi. margaret atwood is a very specific kind of person. this book is interesting and well written but not super like…my speed idk. what was up with the “neurotypicals” bit i cant figure it out LMAO

mealworms have all disappeared! i never saw anybody eating them, but they apparently were a hit. time to refill the feeder hahaha
