#birthday prompt



@itafushiweekBirthdayprompt. Angsty w/happy ending

As Megumi noted the date on his phone with a quiet sigh, he clicked out and logged completely off for the rest of the day. He didn’t care if he missed any calls, because he just wasn’t in the mood to talk to anybody today. The stars seemed to align, for the school was devoid of life. Yuuji was on a mission with Nobara, and Gojo was dealing with a case in a different city. Megumi wasn’t sure where the other students were exactly, but they didn’t appear to be on campus either. Fine with him, he threw himself back onto his bed ready to sleep away the day. The faster it was over the better.

Several hours later, a knock came to Megumi’s door. He stirred but didn’t feel like getting up. Maybe they’ll take the hint? Then a second knock followed by the sound of his door opening. Guess not. So, he turned over and saw Yuuji in the doorway.

“It’s dinner time Megumi!”

Even through the fading light of the early evening hour, Megumi could see Yuuji’s damn grin. “I’m not hungry.”

“But I brought back some good stuff from our mission.” Yuuji pouted. “Please… it’s really yummy.”

Megumi sighed. “You’re not gonna drop this, are ya?”

“Nope,” Yuuji’s grin returned in triumph.

“Ugh, fine. I’ll be right out.”

“Cool! I’ll be in the common room. Don’t take too long or it’ll get cold.” Yuuji closed the door behind him.

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