#bjd fashion


A little vent. There’s some really talented seamstresses with nice ideas that I’d absolutely love to buy from if they didnt nearly exclusively work with cheap tulle. Im a seamstress myself so I get the appeal of tulle, its easy to work with and flows nicely. And the high quality stuff is very pretty. But to the trained eye its easy to see most dont actually use high quality fabric and its just so off putting to me. Especially when they charge big money for sub-par fabric when, for that price, they could have used good tulle or some nice habotai or lace. I would throw my money at them so fast just to have their pretty designs on my dolls without having to sew myself.


Ok, so I lost a little touch with the hobby world, but fell into the Genshin Impact. I love this game, the characters would make beautiful dolls, the outfits are very intricate and fall into costume porn category. I love all the details on shoes, jewelry, hearpieces… Etc Is there someone out there who did a Genshin doll ?


I love dolls so much. Their jointing is so cool. I could spend hours just fidgeting with the snappy elbow or knee joints. The way resin feels and smells is another thing I enjoy. The customisability is probably my favourite though. Being able to turn a blank doll into whatever I want? Sign me up! Just a faceup can really bring a doll to life and make you fall in love with it all over again. Then there’s the clothes, the teenie tiny clothes! So cute! I love how everything is so small. I’ve loved tiny things since I was a kid and I’m not stopping now, the smaller the better! I hate buying shoes but when I get them they’re probably my favourite. So cute, detailed and tiny! I just love this hobby and all I can do in it. Even better that there’s a whole community around these cool, jointed, resin sculptures. I’m just happy to be here


Bjd faceup he’s a dream valley Vine

Hello I am Ari, I draw original art

Feel free to support me on kofi

