#black live matters


In a world where so many injustices and problems are happening, it is quite curious to see individuals who care too much about “likes”, “links” and “IG stories”. In a privileged world like today’s, in which social networks are and should always be, a help tool based on consciousness and friendly coexistence, it is incomprehensible that one still thinks that this or that person, famous or not, acted wrongly because he/she does not “like” a blog post. The same can be said about those who shouts against one that preferred posting temporary “stories” on IG rather than a permanent picture or such.

We live in a world where everyone is responsible for what is said or done… And If someone uses his/her own words, or if this person chooses to use other’s quotes to express a feeling and casually forgets to, literally, link it to a campaign, everything seems lost and this person becomes a target. If you want to donate or simply express yourself for a cause, do not wait for your favourite celebrities to do so. This is not solidarity, this is imitation, copy-paste. If you want a fairer world for everyone, regardless of skin colour, gender or religion, do not attack people in a vile, immature and stupid way, just because someone did not act the way you wanted or expected to.

At a time when we should all come together to end the injustices that plague our homes, there is no room for gratuitous and meaningless hatred. Do you want to change the world? Do it, in public or in private, be kind and treat everyone equally. “Life is but a breath” and, for almost four hundred thousand people it already ended up because of one of the smallest living organisms ever. For George Floyd, life ended because of human stupidity and hatred.

Wake up and stop spreading this feeling. Live your life share happiness and sadness with everyone you want to. Defend values that can make our world a better place in such hard circumstances like these. But remember: some people will not speak out for the same cause and they are on their right and you should respect them. Stop thinking that you all can change or rule someone’s life and decisions only because you think this person is a role model to you.  A fan supports, a fanatic hates. Evolve for good, not for bad. The History proofs that worse things happened in the humanity past, we do not need those facts to be repeated, again, again, and again.

 Educate yourself.
