#black rule

alphasupremegod: sissyperfectionthings: SissyPerfectionAll you white bois need to Reblog this Now…




All you white bois need to Reblog this Now….

Don’t fight it invite a Black man into your holes

Add me Cunts

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We have heard much on how the BWO took control of America, But how did it take control of Europe?  What key events led to the fall of the white continent?

As the BWO began as an internal, American phenomenon, there was little Europe could do but watch in horror as white America gradually fell to it’s black masters.  By the time the process was complete, the BWO was in total control of the United States, and, consequently, the most powerful and expensive military force on the planet.  Given their philosophical bent, the European leaders knew that the BWO was a threat, but, unable to accept the reality of the situation, they convinced themselves that this new America was a distant threat, and set about making peace with it.  One ambassador from the U.K. for example set the tone by acquiescing to the American ambassadors every demand, up to and including the rather peculiar dress code arrangement.


Despite the eccentric nature of the proceedings, the U.K. ambassador’s negotiations were considered a complete success at the time.  Non-aggression pacts were formed, trade agreements arranged and diplomatic relations were normalized.  All in all, things between the U.S. and the U.K. would continue much as they had before, with the exception that the U.K. government agreed to recognize the legitimacy of white slavery and the international white slave trade, which was then just beginning to become a major money maker for the BWO.  White American slaves were being sold on African, Asian and Middle Eastern Markets and the U.K. resolved to do absolutely nothing about it.  More locally, the citizens of the U.K. had to learn to tolerate the presence of black American tourists and their propensity for bringing their white slaves along on their vacations.  The rest of Europe followed suit shortly thereafter, and very soon there was a lot of naked, white American flesh walking the streets of Europe, and all the natives could do was watch uneasily, wondering how close they were to suffering the same fate.


With Europe thus lulled into a false sense of uneasy security, the BWO set about it’s next great task: The Unification of Africa.  Using the might of the American military machine, the BWO instigated and supported pro-black supremacy revolutions throughout the African continent, and it was at this point that Europe began to get nervous.  Though still unwilling to challenge the might of the Black Ruled U.S. directly, the European leaders could not abide a unified and radical Africa and settled on a course of direct military intervention.  Though the campaign was publicly justified in the name of saving innocent civilians caught in the crossfires of the African revolutionary wars, the true goal of the European intervention was clear: Stop African Unification at all costs.


Their efforts were less than successful.

In fact, the European intervention into Africa was a complete disaster.  European troops, unsure of their own motives and disoriented in foreign lands were no match for the highly motivated and war hardened African troops with the full support of the American military machine behind them.  European losses in materiel and man power were great, and many European soldiers found themselves living the rest of their lives as slaves in African captivity, and all for nothing.  The nations of Africa united as one, forming the United African Federation, and it was with this new government that the European Union sued for peace.  Much as had been the case between the Black Ruled U.S. and the U.K. the UAF made somewhat unorthodox demands upon the European representatives sent to negotiate for peace, though the proceedings were not quite so cordial this time around.


Beaten, crippled and humiliated, the EU had made one additional blunder.  In it’s anxiousness to intervene, it provided the BWO with a perfect pretext for invasion.  Peace negotiations lasted just long enough for the UAF to meld into a cohesive and functioning nation.  As if on cue, negotiations fell through and the war moved to the European front, the UAF attacking with the full backing of the U.S. tacit support from many Asian nations and almost the entirety of the middle east.  A separate peace between the U.S. and Russia had also been made under the table, leaving the rest of Europe isolated and overwhelmed.


In short, Europe crumbled before the unrelenting onslaught of the United African forces.  It had long been the tactic of European powers to sow division amongst the “lesser” races, but now in the face of a strong, united enemy, they folded faster than the Flash on laundry day.  American made bombers reduced their cities to rubble, even as African boots marched into the debris to plant the flag of victory… and to claim the spoils of war.


Oh, yes, the slave markets of the world filled to bursting with the survivors of the European war, bound for the shores of Africa, or the Asian or Middle Eastern Markets.  Even especially wealthyRussians took their share of the spoils.  The glut on the market made white slave labor cheap and expendable in most places, and those who had once thought themselves the masters of the world now found themselves ranked amongst the lowliest of chattel.  Naked white flesh spread across the world in chains, and those who remained were faced with the choice of rebuilding their ruined cities to accommodate their new masters…


Or fleeing into the wilderness, or the burned out abandoned zones to live like animals in the ruins of their once great civilization.  


While the victory of the BWO in the United States owed more to politics, psychology and subterfuge, the African Victory over Europe was won through sheer force of arms, proving both to the defeated whites and the conquering blacks what the latter had always known, and what the former had always feared: Black Superiority is a fact of life.  It is a reality.  The only reality in fact.  The White Continent had Faced the Dark Continent in open combat, and the dark warrior was victorious, tossing his defeated adversary over his shoulder and carrying it back to his home like so much carrion beast to be divided up amongst his people.
