

Rant. And some of yall are gonna feel a way and I don’t give a **fuck**:I’m getting realllll tired of little Asian kids leaving me comments  (on Tiktok) about the 1992 LA Riots as a justification of why “the Black community owes the Asian community respect” after Asians showed up in 2020 to **start** marching with Black folks as if BLM was a new thing this year.I imagine these collective teens sitting in their rooms, looking for anything to say about Black/ Asian relations, googling “Black on Asian Crime” and finding articles on the LA Riots, proclaiming “Aha! This is it!” and going to town in the comments of these discussions.b/c ALL of them reference this singular event as some sort of origin story for the tensions between Blacks and Asians and I’m like, y'all aren’t gonna sit UP here and pretend like MOST OF yalls society isn’t antiblack as FUCK, and even if I weren’t Asian I would be saying this.

FURTHERMORE you little shits need to recognize that had it not been for the Black community yall asses parents (NOR MY MOM) would be over here in the US (Immigration Act of 1965, part of the Civil Rights movement). ALSO: it’s not like there wasn’t Black and Asian SOLIDARITY WAY before 1992. Going back to the civil rights era, you can simply google Black Power + Yellow Peril. 

Yet these little children want to be mad at me because I talk about Joe Tsai (owner of the Nets) donating 50 million to Black causes and how that does NOT give Asians the right to be like “Blacks you owe us respect” Bitch get the fuck out of here. That man makes millions off of the NBA which is LARGELY BLACK, ticket sales, ads, endorsements, concession stand sales ETC are because of BLACK PEOPLE just because these billionaires are playing Monopoly with Teams and companies and industries fueled by Black and Brown folks DOES NOT mean that they can’t get MORE money. It’s in the nature OF BILLIONAIRES. The man founded ALIBABA and CONTINUES to make money in the NBA and Lacrosse why? Because he likes collecting sports Teams? NO because he can make MORE money. So he gives Black folks 50 million. Ok. thanks. I wish more people would, but YOU little shits aren’t going to do is act like 1) The BLACK community owes YALL ASSES ANYTHING 2) That the entire Black community hates Asians. GTFOH.Little fucking kids. 

Gonna raise my pressure. 
