
blackrosemii:@traumerei-project Just finished all 3 chapters of Träumerei available right now and fe


@traumerei-project Just finished all 3 chapters of Träumerei available right now and felt like drawing some fanart. I didn’t know which character to choose. It was either Anabelle, Wyn( I hope I spelled them right) or Azelle. In the end, I chose the dude in the dress XD

!!!!!!! Waaaaah your style and coloring are both really pretty!!! ♡♡♡♡♡ Thank you so much this totally made my day! The blood splatters in the background are also really cool!

Thank you as well for taking the time to play all three chapters! I apologize as well for seeing this so late; tags haven’t really been working for me both on this and my other blogs as of late. ^^;

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