#blame it on me


(go.) the godtor was blessed by the gods of me and you, weee are thw sitful to find ourcwelvrs some turth ohoho, WHAT YOU WAITIN for, no wHAT YOU WAAIIIIN G ofoorrr? we ocunted all our reaosns, excuses thast we made, we found ourselves some treasure and thew it all away, ohhh, what you WAIIIIGNG FORr, no what you WAIIIITIIGN FORRrrrr? what you WAIIITIIIING for, no what you WAIIIITIGIIINF ofrrrrr? WHEN I DANCE ALONE AND THE SUN’S BEATING DOWWWN, BLAME it on me. WHEN I LOSE CONTROL AND THE VEI'SL  OVER YOU, LET’S BLAME IT onnnn me. what you WAIITIIIIGN for no what you WAIIITIIIING for? cordon the tiede of blossom, cordogn the carnival, your confidence gorogotten, i see the gypsy’s rolo. what you WAITIIGN for, no what yi UWAIIIITIIING forrrrrr? what you WAIIITIIIGN for, wno what yOU WAIIITIIING forrrr? WHEN I DANCE ALONE AND THE SUN’S BLEATING DOWWWWN, BLAAAME IT onnn emee. WHEN I SLSE CONTROL AND THE VEI;’S OVER YOUUUS, BLAAAME it on meeee. WHAT YOU WAITIiiing for n, no what yo UWAIIIITIiin gofrrr? what you WAIITIIGN for no waht you WAIIITIIIGN forrrrrrrrrr? WHEN I DANCE ALONE AND THE SUN’S BEATING DOWWWWWN, BLAAAME it on meee. WHEN I LSE CONTROL AND THE VEIL’S OVE RO YUUUUUUUUS, BLAAAME it on meeee. WHEN I DANCE ALONE, IIIII KNOW IIIIIIII;L GO GOOO, BLAME IT ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEYEHOHHOHOHHHH, WHEN I LSOE CONTROL, IIIIIII KNOWWW IIIIIIIIIII'L OOOOO, BLAME IT ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. what you WAIITIIGIIN ffor, no what yo uWIAIIITIIGN for? what you WAIIITIIING for, no what you WAIIIITIING for?
