#blathering about my writing for ts


Went down a rabbit hole on Wikipedia because of MerMay and discovered that in Irish mythology, mermen were depicted with red noses indicating their love of brandy which……




[image:tweet by dragonspleen, transcribed below:]

Me writing the beginning of my book: ooooh the plot thickens!!

Me writing the middle of my book: hmm the plot thinnens

Would anyone be interested in a mini-Bishop Myriel Fundraiser style thing where I write fics in exchange for donations to an abortion fund? As a person with a uterus in the US, I’m trying to think of ways to channel my rage into something productive.

Me: Oo I got out of work a little early, I should be home in time to finish this chapter of the Love is Blind AU!

Me: *hits a pothole and gets a flat tire*

