#bless your heart





Lmao why is she holding kimchi? 

 U kno what, I dont even care 

I stan

Cause kimchi is spicy…like this knowledge.

Girl: Yo…if you can differentiate between white Christians and the KKK, you know the fucking difference between ISIS and Muslims.

That’s not “yo,” that’s “y’all.”


in the south we don’t say “you’re a dumb fuck” we say “bless your heart” and i think that’s beautiful. 

I need to do this more often. These Midwestern folks won’t get it, bless their hearts.

mto-art:I did a collab with @crispystar who draws the cutest dang Toshinori my heart is melting ;__;


I did a collab with @crispystar who draws the cutest dang Toshinori my heart is melting ;__;

AAAHHH!! You’re too sweet oh my Gosh, I’m incredibly flattered you like my Toshi!! Your All Might is just /so good / as well, I love it to bits!! Thank you so much for the compliment, and for making this collab with me, it was buckets of fun! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚ !!

Post link













Do non-americans realize that the United States is literally just a bunch of countries in a trench coat that agreed to be semi-nice to each other in order to sneak into the Big Boy Club? Because let’s be honest that’s just what the USA is

The rest of the world: So… you’re a big country?

The states, standing on each other’s shoulders: Y- yes,,,

I love how everyone who’s reblogged this hasn’t added anything on or tagged anything on it. They’re all just like “Yeah. That’s it. That’s the entire United States summed up in one post-”

#oh my god is THAT why you guys are so weird

Yeah 100%

Don’t let these tags die omfg

10/10 can confirm

absolutely bonkers that my own tags have crossed my dash like this more than fifteen reblogs after i wrote them

I moved to another state. 30 minutes away. My family acts like I betrayed them and can’t understand my life choices. It’s completely different way of life, especially during covid. Completely different country.

every single fucking time one of those articles of “things europeans find weird about america” complains that sales tax isn’t included

states set the sales tax!!! it’s literally different across state lines!!! american retailers can’t add it bc they’d have to account for 50 different prices!!!!!!!

It gets even more insane! California’s clean air standards for cars and other such things are so much higher than everyone else’s! So if a car manufacturer in Detroit wants to sell their damn cars in California, they need to build their cars to California clean air standards. But retooling an assembly line and car design to have some cars meet California clean air standards, while building others to other clean air standards is a lot of work, so car manufacturers all over the country have to build all their cars to California clean air standards.

Which is why California went into an uproar earlier this year when the Federal Government tried to argue that states can’t set their own environmental guidelines! “Fuck you!” says California, “we remember Los Angeles in the 80s, how bad the smog gets, go pollute your own damn air over in your own damn state where there isn’t a thermal inversion layer to trap all the smog down near ground level!”

“But you’re making it soooo haaaaaard to sell our cars everywhere else!” they whine.

“Fuck you!” California shouts. “And while we’re at it, we don’t give a shit what you say, Mister President, we’re gonna open our damn states when we’re good and ready, and our friends Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State agree! Also, we’ve decided to legalize weed!”

“But the Federal Government says it’s illegal!” shouts the other states.

“Fuck you, we make the drug laws in our state, and we say toke up!”

“Now, hang on!” shouts the Federal government. “You can legalize weed in your state, but all banks are federal agencies, so if your weed dispensaries set up bank accounts, those accounts have money from illegal practices in it and are subject to seizure by the federal government!”

“FINE!” shouts California. “Hey, weed guys, you can keep selling weed, but you can only deal in cash!”

“How the fuck is that supposed to work!?”


“By the way, if you’re gay married elsewhere, we won’t recognize it,” mutters Texas.


And so it goes and so it goes…

“What’s sales tax?” says Montana. “What’s road maintainence?” “also what’s a speed limit?”

*gestures at Florida*

Oh also, the reason Florida is “so weird” is only PARTIALLY because people who live here are bonkers – it’s also because Florida state laws around privacy do not include the details of arrests! So in other states, when you’re arrested, it can just show up in the registrar like “25 yo man arrested 04/30/20” but in Florida they can (and do) print the details of why they were arrested: “25 yo man arrested 4/30/20 for riding an alligator through town while naked and smoking weed.” I promises you the other states have PLENTY of weirdos, they just don’t get their dirty laundry gleefully aired in the local news.

The intense hatred some states have for others manifests in many interesting ways… I moved from Maryland (border state back in the day; northern state to some people) to Alabama… where I am often told I’m a “damnyankee” despite having been born and raised south of the Mason-Dixon line which separates north and south here. And yes, “Damn Yankee” is a single word in the Deep South.

Also, Alabama has a saying “Thank God for Mississippi.” Why does Alabama have this saying because in a hell of a lot of surveys of “best places” or “worst places” Alabama manages to stay out of the last space on the list only because Mississippi consistently ranks worse than us!

Oh, and lets not forget “Internal State Rivalrys” when we make this list… Alabama has one of the worst. I have watched people’s relationships break up just because of who the cheer for during college football season… and yes, it’s an actual season… Spring, Summer, Football, Winter… really! Honest!
