

My advice to those who feel down about things not going their way, for those who complain when something little goes wrong, or just for those who are sad about something: be grateful.  We may not get a good grade on a test, or we may lose service on our phones every once in a while, or go to a restaurant that doesn’t have wifi, there’s even a chance our car may break down on the side of the road. In the big picture, those are such minute problems. One of my buddies lives in a trailer and doesn’t have a good paying job. He said to me one day, “Dude, my life is so shitty.” Well, I looked back at him and said, “You have a roof over your head.” It may seem dramatic that I’m implying he should be happy just because he has a roof over his head. Yeah, it would be nice to live in a house. But the point I’m trying to convey is that some people live in dirt huts. Even worse, some people don’t have a home at all. So may I say this..next time you run out of hot water in the shower, be grateful you have a fresh source of water to clean yourself off with, even if it may be cold for a day. Be grateful you have clean clothes to change into each day, or the opportunity to get an education and pursue your dream. I’m not trying to undermine the fact that people have bad days, because we all do for varieties of reasons. What I’m getting at, is that if you appreciate the blessings of all these little things, it can better your mood so easily. Our society takes so many things for granted these days, so it’s a good reality check every once in a while and account for the all the things we’re so lucky to have. Many people can’t imagine the luxuries we have at our disposal. Be grateful.
