

Some more ramblings

Raine has composed 6 different wildly insulting ballads for Belos, in fact they’re working on a 7th that incorporates human instruments

(Assuming that the guy we saw at the end of Eda’s Requiem is King’s dad) The two of them had a bonding moment coming up with the most absurd and convoluted insults they could, King’s dad got carried away and started using old Isles swears… he went on for a solid few minutes before realizing that he was doing it in front of his son. The only people who knew what those words meant were Eda who was out on a double date with Raine Luz and Amity (Just as sappy and adorable as it sounds) Lilith who was with her parents back in the Isles. And Hunter… who was standing right there but thought it was hilarious so didn’t stop him.

Another unintentional form of torture is that Belos just so happens to detest Luz’s taste in music. He also happens to be placed right next to Luz’s speakers.

One time that conspiracy theory nut managed to get his hands on the jar, he then proceeded to threaten the owl crew with the safety of “Your beloved pet” the owl crew then proceeded to burst into hysterics, even Belos had a hardy chuckle at that one.

Gus will mercilessly string together human slang from every era, most of the time Belos has no clue what he’s saying be every once and awhile Gus will use something from Belos’ time and it’ll give Belos a tiny panic attack.

More on what I’m dubbing the “Blobos” AU

Basically Belos ends up as a little blob of goop in a jar

He can “talk” though it sounds like he’s using telepathy it’s still heard out loud

One time he snapped at Vee, this turned out to be a massive mistake as not long after Camila came in and viscously dissected every aspect of his life, lots of vigorous jar shaking was involved

Also turns out Belos gets horribly motion sick

While Vee’s too sweet to do it Eda Lilith and Hunter take turns giving him a good shake whenever they visit and Luz just it just often enough to keep Belos on his nonexistent toes

Another time when Hunter visited he tried his old manipulative tricks again… This ends in Luz Eda and Camila taking shifts, and through a particularly devious suggestion from Hunter himself testing what would happen if you tried to boil the little slime ball

While not painful it’s a profoundly unpleasant experience, imagine the worlds most uncomfortable full body massage. Then multiply that by 100 and take full body completely literally.

Luz: Hey Blobos!

Blobos: I am emperor Belos of the Boiling Isles and you will respect me!

Luz: Well right now you’re emperor Blobos of this jar. Now can it before I put you back on the stove

Blobos: …not again…

And of course whenever Hooty can convince Eda to take him along he ends up getting put in the closet to talk to his “BFFAEAE”
