#bloors academy

You’ll stay here until you remember how to behave. —I just finished reading Charlie Bone and t

You’ll stay here until you remember how to behave. 

I just finished reading Charlie Bone and the Wildernes wolf. 

I don’t understand how Asa is a good character in this series, because if I remember right he has no redemption arc. :D He just walked on the “good side” without any explanation in “the Hidden King”. And all characters were like they have forgotten he killed people in the past. :D

I kind of hoped for some insight in this book, but there was no explanation too… (but I liked it anyways.)

I loved the scene with Dagbert and Tancred in the end. Dagbert is the light of this book, really. 

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 The Ruin GameRun, Charlie… these three are after you! —This book is so dark! Almost al

The Ruin Game
Run, Charlie… these three are after you! 

This book is so dark! Almost all grown-up character are evil or incompetent in cotrk series. His family just send him to ruins to be murdered… to punish him for saving girl from being hypnotized for her whole life. <3 

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