#blue no matter who


Don’t vote Kanye

Don’t vote third party

Don’t write in Bernie

Don’t write in anyone

I’ve been seeing too many posts about people saying they’re going to do one of the above.


A third party/write in vote is a vote for Donald Trump

Biden is far from perfect but there are so many people in danger if Trump stays in office. Biden will also lead us to a more liberal agenda in the future.

Vote blue no matter who

I will vote for neither Pete nor Bloomberg in a general election for the office of President of the United States of America. It would not matter anyway because I live in New York, but even if I were in a swing state, the same would be true.

I think the Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle skit on SNL the Saturday after the election of 2016 captures the essence of what Black people have been saying and feeling for decades, if not literal centuries about life in this country; and when I say literal centuries, I mean literal centuries of Black lives in the US.

The fact that a lot of you Hwite people just started to feel a slight draft of injustice in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected; the fact that you all were only incensed at something being so wrong at *that* time; the fact that you had to rise up and take action in the wake of the 2016 election… Where have you been?

You’ve been complacent and blind to the injustice that has surrounded you. Mike Brown was killed and his body laid out for hours in a street in 2014. Trayvon Martin was killed and George Zimmerman found not guilty prior to the election of 2016. HIV rates about Black and Brown communities have remained steady and in some cases have increased.

But “mission accomplished!” So much so that at one point, with regard to a certain national performing arts organization, we were asking the question “are our groups still relevant?” As if there weren’t any non hwite issues to be solved. Willfully blind, I tell you.

And now we have this “blue no matter who” foolishness.

I will abstain from voting if the person that Donald Trump’s opposition puts up has an awful track record with communities who represent *my* multiple identities. The parts of me that certain other marginalized communities have ignored *just* as much as the enemy.

Black and Brown folks: This is the attitude you need to take. If your hwite friends try to give you shit for having this stance, then they’re clearly not listening. Instead, they’re only centering their own agenda which has NOT centered people who look like you, for literal centuries.
