#blue revisions



Purchased by members of the SPN Script Hunt discord:

3.07 Fresh Blood (Network Draft):

3.07 Fresh Blood (Production Draft):

3.07 Fresh Blood (Blue Revisions only):

3.07 Fresh Blood (Pink Revisions only):

You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google -> slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.

Casting Sides for Dixon


Thank you to our donor, who wishes to remain anonymous:

3.04 “Sin City” (Blue Revisions only):

You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google -> slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.

Casting Sides for Father Gil:

Casting Sides for Iggy (renamed Ritchie):

Casting Sides for Ruby:



Thank you to our donor, who wishes to remain anonymous:

3.04 “Sin City” (Blue Revisions only):

You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google -> slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.

Casting Sides for Father Gil:

Casting Sides for Iggy (renamed Ritchie):

Casting Sides for Ruby:
