#bluh bluh


there’s this one tiny little noise (I think it might be a drum hit?) in the middle of second hand news that sounds exactly like the tumblr messenger notification sound and it does not matter how many times I have listened to this song and how aware I am that it is coming, I instinctively check tumblr for a new message every single time

sun 15 may 2022. reversed six of wands. unease: tread lightly. a tree falls in the forest. anything can be an ear.

okay. I’m gonna stop drawing. I’m gonna watch 302. then I’m gonna go to bed. then I’m gonna get up at 9 am to find out if my dad and his partner have covid, and if they do, I’m gonna go the fuck back to sleep for the rest of the month

:/ I was gonna do this in two panels, two diff angles of the same beat, but the second panel is fucking killing me. like it’s FINE it just feels OFF. the proportions. the angle. idk. I feel like I can’t make the shapes match the first one. might say fuck it and just do the one panel by itself I guess :/

picking back up w black sails 210. hopefully living vicariously through jamesie’s gay rage will quell some of my personal gay rage. sometimes you just really wanna run a sword through somebody’s dad

double-masking to go from my bedroom to the kitchen #justgirlythings

mm you know it’s bad when I’m considering taking anxiety meds for the first time since college

“Iwas having an intelligent thought, before my brain got rudely interrupted by my mouth.”

LOVE when my dnd boyfriend and I have the “hey let’s not make any big decisions right now but maybe when we’re no longer in mortal danger we should think abt breaking up” talk

listen I love cracking the cryptic but simon saying “if you support us on patreon you can join our discord server with its 25,000 members” is truly. you could not pay me to join a server with twenty-five thousand people. cannot believe anyone would pay YOU for the opportunity to join your server with twenty-five thousand people. I could have both my peace of mind and my few dollars or I could have neither my peace of mind nor my few dollars



the process I’ve decided to take with this piece is. going to be good. it’s gonna be really really good. I just have to figure out how to actually do it

I don’t feel good about this. I do not feel good about what I am drawing. I probably will not feel good about it until it is done

thought it would be bleak but actually it’s kind of funny and relieving to, when I’m frustrated with how this one little area is turning out, turn back on all the other layers to remind myself how much of this shit is getting covered up so it truly doesn’t matter skfjsdf


I’ve had comfort eagle stuck in my head for the last two hours which is a song with EXTREMELY specific vibes

some people drink pepsi. some people drink coke. the wacky morning dj says democracy’s a joke

I’ve had comfort eagle stuck in my head for the last two hours which is a song with EXTREMELY specific vibes

enjoyed being able to sit in the park and draw but man traditional is just not my thing. I kept wanting to zoom in on the paper

[image description: a page of a sketchbook, filled with pencil sketches of various characters from the shoulders or neck up. there are two large blue scribbles over the page, covering up two of the sketches. the visible sketches are of the following characters:

  • Ogden (he/they), a freckled half-folk with curly hair, downturned ears, and a large flower in his hair. he’s smiling.
  • Aery (he/any), a fat, grumpy firbolg with his hair in space buns. he’s wearing round glasses, two necklaces, and a cardigan.
  • Kal (he/they), a startled-looking avion (birdfolk) modeled after a sandwich tern.
  • Archie (they/them), a teenage human with a mullet. they have freckles and runic tattoos around their eyes. their hair is shaved on the side, and they have a tattoo of an eye on their temple. they’re looking up and to the right with a slight smirk on their face.
  • Pippa (she/her), a smirking elf with short, messy hair. she has a bandage over her nose and a black eye.
  • Rudra (she/her), a half-elf with a scared expression on her face. her hair is in a bob with straight-across bangs, and she has dimples.
  • Ganzek (he/him), a sneering, middle-aged gnome with short hair and visible wrinkles. he’s wearing sunglasses and a turtleneck.

end id]

oops all dwarves sketch dump featuring oops zero dwarves

feeling unmoored today lads



riches and wonders is a flint + miranda song

did not continue my rewatch today as I would have been too distracted running back and forth to deal with laundry nor do I plan to later tonight bc I have to get up early and it’ll make me too keyed-up to sleep but rest assured I am still thinking about black sails from the bathtub

first verse thomas is still around. second verse is the two of them in nassau


riches and wonders is a flint + miranda song

did not continue my rewatch today as I would have been too distracted running back and forth to deal with laundry nor do I plan to later tonight bc I have to get up early and it’ll make me too keyed-up to sleep but rest assured I am still thinking about black sails from the bathtub

just looked at my heroforged mini for this npc for the first time in a while and. g-d it’s so good. I remember it took me ages to get the effect that I wanted but g-d it was worth it

so I bought a lyre,
