#bns woa


Thank you!


The War of Ages Kickstarter is over! Thank you all so much! We finished our project at 340% funded and with 9 stretch goals unlocked! We truly couldn’t have done this without all of the amazing support we received during this past month, once again thank you all so very much!

Stay tuned for more updates and news as we now move onto the next stages of the War of Ages project! For the war is just beginning.

Saturnalia: An immersive V5 Blockbuster Larp using our new project War of Ages!


In conjunction with our new project, War of Ages, By Night Studios has partnered with Reverie Studios to bring you a grand and magnificent Larp event intended to fully immerse you in the World of Darkness — Saturnalia, a street-level, high intensity, low mechanics Vampire: The Masquerade Larp designed to be played in the Nordic style in the V5 setting.

The new By Night Studios ‘War of Ages’ Kickstarter is LIVE!


You can back right now and be the first in line for our new V5 material. Not only is this book our first guide into Nordic larp but it also provides new and exciting content for not only other MET larpers but table-top players as well!
