#bob zanotto


4/7 of the psychic 7 as cursed emojis. Perhaps I’ll do the last three later.

This has probably been redrawn a million times already but I don’t care. I’m doing it too.

I was going to wait until I finished these for all of the psychic seven, but I got impatient and posted these first.

Well, my CSP license has died I decided to post some incomplet sketches here. If anyone wants to take property or make something with this…I have no problem



my fav “bob figments” in psi king’s sensorium :’D


Hi I am obsessed with them ❤️ When he said “it’s me, your psi king” I WANTED TO CRY BRO

Ok. I’m crying ❤❤


Helmut protected him :’(


My God, look at this, it’s very, very pretty

Christmas collab with @mageofpanic for psychonauts ask blog! (even though we don’t celebrate it, Lucy and Bob probably would…)

s’more kofi doodles! (requests attributed to donator in linked thread!)s’more kofi doodles! (requests attributed to donator in linked thread!)s’more kofi doodles! (requests attributed to donator in linked thread!)s’more kofi doodles! (requests attributed to donator in linked thread!)

s’morekofi doodles! (requests attributed to donator in linked thread!)

Post link

A family of trees wanting to be haunted

ID #1: A long illustration of Lili Zanotto sleeping under a tall tree, the leaves and bark of which are shaped to resemble (from top to bottom) Tia Zanotto, Bob Zanotto, and Truman Zanotto. The tree is speckled in light filtering in from leaves higher above, and the entire scene is set against the backdrop of a waterfall rushing behind it. End ID.

ID #2: A close up of the top of the tree that resembles Tia Zanotto. End ID.

ID #3: A close up of the middle of the tree that resembles Bob and Truman Zanotto. End ID.

ID #4: A close up of the bottom of the tree where Lili is sleeping with her hands folded under her head. End ID.

Was inspired by the photo comp of roll flower tattoos floating around recently (credit to Carrie Metz-Caporusso)

I think Bob’s the guy you wouldn’t expect to have tattoos until you think about it for more than a second and go “oh, yeah, duh”

Anyways, Bob’s self-deprecating attitude is no match against Helmut’s ultimate counterattack: loving smooches

Full image description under the cut

ID: A comic of older Bob and Helmut. Bob has just taken off his shirt when he’s surprised by Helmut saying “Hey! I forgot you’d gotten those sweet tattoos!” There is a shot of Bob’s back showing that he has a large tattoo design that has faded over time: a green music bar stretches across the width of his back while it swirls off into vines and leaves, and orange flowers are dotted across the design. Bob looks behind himself as he says “Oh, yeah. I’d nearly forgot too.” Bob holds his shirt as he looks off to the side, and Helmut is laying down behind him with his chin resting on his hands. Helmut is looking at Bob’s tattoo adoringly, and has figments of the orange flowers along with multicolored hearts popping up around his head. Bob looks a bit embarrassed and says “It doesn’t really suit me much anymore, huh? S’probably all faded and gross—“ Bob is then caught off guard and blushes furiously as Helmut kisses one of the flowers on his back. End ID.

Various doodles from the past couple days of Bob unpacking a lot of feelings and being very flustered about it

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ID #1: A sketch of Bob facing Helmut. Bob is blushing and nervously fussing with his tie as he says “I really liked the part where you sing good, so uh, all of it.” End ID.

ID #2: A sketch of Bob’s face up close, smiling as Helmut says “Oh, thank you! I -“ then the dialogue trails off into incoherent scribbles to indicate he’s talking further. Beside Bob there is a simpler drawing of him pulling his hands down his face in distress. He thinks “‘the part where you sing good’? WHY did I say it like that?? This guy must think I’m stupid” while also going “ugh” multiple times. On the bottom of the page text says “Meanwhile in… The esteemed Compliments Hall of Fame” which leads to Helmut standing proudly in front of multiple frames hanging on a wall. The largest frame of them all displays cursive text that reads “I like the part where you si[…]” on the top, and much larger cursive text on the bottom that reads “- BOB”. Helmut is smiling confidently with his hands on his hips. End ID.

ID #3: Various sketches of Bob being flustered/embarrassed/otherwise totally lovestruck about Helmut. Sketches include: Bob covering his face as he blushes and thinks about Helmut’s chest, a smaller Bob also covering his face to the left of the first one who is thinking “He’s so hot I’m going to DIE.”, Bob blushing and repeatedly thinking “Don’t be weird” as Helmut talks with an arm around Bob’s shoulder, and Bob lying on the ground, kicking his feet and smiling as he thinks “H+B” and uses telekinesis to water his garden’s sprouts. End ID.

ID #4: A sketch of Helmut leaning over Bob as Bob is backed up against the side of the Feel Mobile. Helmut has one hand on the van and grabs Bob’s tie with the other. Helmut has his eyes closed as he leans in for a kiss, and Bob blushes as he looks up at Helmut with a longing expression. End ID.


Various doodles from the past couple days of Bob unpacking a lot of feelings and being very flustered about it

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Keep reading


I learned there is a video about the design process for PN2 (link here) that shows off Bob’s concept art at a point

and I’m ngl I’m going fucking insane

Look at him… LOOK at him!!

He is the man of all time and I adore him. So I drew some of the little outfits that had been considered in the concept art stage of his life.

Thank you.

ID: 7 sketches of older Bob Zanotto wearing an assortment of alternate outfits. The outfits include a vest with a zigzagging pattern and a large hat covered in plants, a shirt and shorts with a long thin robe worn over it along with socks and sandals (Bob is also holding a pitchfork), a button up shirt and boxers, a big puffy jacket with shorts, a raincoat with flowers in the pockets along with rain boots (Bob is holding a giant boom box), a beanie and long plaid shirt with striped overalls and a button showing a heart with an “H” in the middle (Bob is holding a coffe mug), and lederhosen with a small bag and wooden shoes (Bob is holding a large walking stick). End ID.


two pixel art gifs of bob zanotto and helmut fullbear facing each other. bob is on the left, and he is holding a plant whose leaves are bouncing with the rhythm. helmut is on the right with one hand lifted.ALT

hi psychonauts fandom ,, gay people
