#boba fett x fennec shand



Sins of The Father - Ch. 23

Summary:Din opens up about his past and learns how Amara met Ca’tra

A/N: Hello Lovelies,

Oh our poor beautiful Din and Amara, they’ve both been through so much. They’ve both lost so much, and yet it makes sense that they both understand each other so well. They’ve been trying to keep themselves from being hurt again, which is probably the main reason Din pushed Omera away. 

As mentioned in the posting schedule, I may have to switch off between posting Sins of the Father and The Reunion, that will start as of next week, SOTF will be posted next week, The Reunion will be posted the following week. I realized I’m currently working on five stories, not including one offs and mini series. Once I start posting The Gym Membership, Upside Down and The Gym Membership will be on a rotating schedule as well. Sorry guys, but there’s only so much I can do. 

Italics - Flashback

Bold & Italics - Auditory Enhancement

Warnings:Fluff, grief, death, explosions, innuendo, off screen violence, threats, mentions of dead bodies, flirting, kissing, I think that’s it, if I miss any please let me know. 

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Feel free to drop some love, a comment and/or a reblog, if you would like to be tagged on this or any future story, please let me know.


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Okay, I’ll admit, I never thought Ca’tra held a dime (is that the phrase?) to Din, but that story of how they met is adorable

Edit: it’s held a candle ajdhdhshdh
