#bobby singer x you


Winchesters x Reader

Summary: When Sam and Dean visit a witness for questioning, they’re surprised to find someone else waiting for them instead. Though they haven’t a clue of who she is, she knows them all too well…


“Hiya sweetheart. We have a few questions to ask, so what do you say you let us in?”

Y/N looked out the crack of the door, and saw two men waiting outside. The one who had just spoken flashed her a smile as the other nudged him in the side. 

She appraised them with a lifted brow. “You’re expecting me to invite two strangers into the house just like that?”

“Dean, be professional!” the taller man hissed. He turned back at Y/N and cleared his throat. “Sorry Miss, my partner is still a little hazy about the whole introductions thing.” He flashed a badge and gave a quick smile. “I’m agent Farell and this is my partner, Agent Hodgson. We’re here about the Riverside murders.” 

“FBI,” Y/N nodded. “Come on in.” 

She opened the door wide, and let the men follow her into the parlor. She smiled to herself when she heard them whispering behind her. 

“I don’t know about this, Sammy. This house is supposed to be owned by a Mrs McGregor. The chick that let us in looks kinda young to be an 86 years old granny…”

“Maybe she’s a relative? We can’t be sure until- Dean! Put the gun away!”

Y/N turned around and smiled sweetly. “Is everything alright back there, Agents?” She sensed Sam and Dean’s caution and was pleased by their obvious discomfort. This was going to be fun…

“Everything’s just dandy,” Dean replied with a bite. 

The trio made it to a brightly lit room and Y/N leaned against a table. “So, you guys wanted to talk about the Riverside killings?” 

Dean glared at her with pursed lips, his hand shadowing over his holster. Y/N eyed him warily. 

“That’s right,” Sam said. “But we came to see Mrs McGregor. Who are you?”

Y/N wracked her brain, trying to think of an answer. “I’m an aid,” she said quickly.

“Funny,” Dean huffed. “You see, we talked to McGregor’s son just this morning, and he told us that she lived alone.”

Y/N looked back at Sam and Dean’s darkened expressions. Both were slowly inching closer to her and teasing them suddenly wasn’t as fun as it was before. 

She backed up with a nervous laugh. “Okay, confession time… my name is Y/N and I’m not an aid. You guys are Sam and Dean Winchester, right?” 

Sam pulled out a silver blade as Dean cased the room. “How do you know our names?” he demanded.

Before she could respond, Dean yelled out from a far corner of the parlor. “Sam, I found Mrs McGregor!”

Y/N closed her eyes. “Oh crap,” she muttered. 

“Well?” Sam asked. “Where is she?” 

Dean stood up from the corner he was hunched over. “She’s dead,” he said simply. 

Y/N felt her heart race and she held her hands up in surrender. “Listen, I can explain-”

“Sorry sweetheart, there’s no explaining a dead body in your house,” Dean interrupted. “Something tells me you’re not keeping it there for décor.” 

“You’re a demon aren’t you?” Sam said, his eyes narrowed. He pointed his blade at her and cocked his head. 

“Yes. Well, no! A demon has been behind the Riverside murders, but I’m not-”

“Good enough for me!” Dean lunged at Y/N from the right and knocked her to the ground. She gasped for air as she landed on the dense tile. She managed to push him away as she scrambled to stand.

“You need to listen to me,” Y/N said. “I’m not your enemy!” She latched onto the edge of a table, but felt a strong grip pull her back and knock her to the ground once more. She looked up and saw Sam leaning over her, his blade lifted above her chest. 

She scratched at his polyester suit and looked at him pleadingly. “Sam, please. You have to believe me!”

He was just about to swing down his weapon when the front door opened with a bang. “What the hell do you idjits think you’re doing?” a voice boomed. 

“Hey Bobby.” Y/N managed weakly from underneath Sam. “A little help here?” 

The Winchesters turned in awe. “Bobby?” they said in unison. 

“In the flesh,” the hunter huffed, bounding over with a scowl. “Boy, lower the shank and get off her before I get over there, myself.”

Sam gulped and raised himself slowly. He offered out a hand sheepishly and helped Y/N to her feet. 

Dean took a few steps forward, his brows furrowed. “Alright, what are we missing here?” he asked. “She’s a demon!”

Bobby turned to him with a squint. “She ain’t no demon!” he barked. “She’s my protégé!”

Y/N cleared her throat and waved awkwardly. “Hey guys,” she said. “I’m Y/N. I’m new to the whole hunter thing, so Bobby has been helping me out.”

“When I heard you boys were working a case not far from us, I figured we’d drive over. Have you two give Y/N some pointers,” Bobby explained. “As luck would have it, we stumbled by McGregor’s home. Found her dead.”

Sam looked at Y/N and quirked a brow. “Why didn’t you tell us from the start?” he asked. 

She shrugged. “I’ve heard a lot about you two, I just wanted to mess around. Test the legendary Winchesters, you know?”

“That was stupid,” Bobby said, shaking his head. “Never get on Sam and Dean’s bad side.”

“I think I get that now,” Y/N mumbled. 

“So just to be clear,” Dean started, with a glint in his eye. “She’s a hunter, and not some dangerous entity from downstairs?” Bobby shot him a look of warning. “Boy-”

Dean waved him off and squeezed himself beside Y/N, pushing Sam aside. “I’ve gotta tell you, I’m so sorry about what my brother did back there. I still tried to tell him to get your side of the story before going all Ghost Face on you with the knife…” Y/N crossed her arms as Dean flashed her a bright smile. 

“Are you kidding me Dean?” Sam scoffed. “You’re the one who was pulling out the gun without-”

“Shhh… Give me a second here, Sammy,” Dean hissed before turning back at Y/N. “Anyway, I know a great little bar not too far from here. Maybe we could go for drinks sometime?” He winked and pointed with a snap. “My treat.”

Y/N looked at him, trying to hide her smile. Just five minutes earlier, he was on the verge of killing her over a mistaken identity, and now here he was, flirting shamelessly. She peered over at Bobby rolling his eyes by the front door, and Sam sulking just a few steps away. 

“What do you say we take care of the Riverside case first, then maybe we can talk about drinks?” 

Not sparing the Winchesters another glance, Y/N squeezed Bobby’s shoulder and walked out the door. She had only discovered the world of the supernatural three months ago, but so much had happened since then. Y/N understood that life as a hunter was dangerous, but damn was it fun…


GiveCounting Shoulder a shot!!!

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)

This sort of came to me about an hour ago, so I just had to write it…  Sorry if it’s a little jagged, I was in the middle of a study session then *poof* an idea. Okay, back to the books. 

Oh, last thing! Their FBI names are from Supertramp…



tagging the stupendous:   @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70 @eliwinchester99 @cosbloos@danzalladaggers
