#body positive activist

DECEMBER 31 - SONYA RENEE TAYLORSonya Renee Taylor is a poet, activist and founder of the body-posit


Sonya Renee Taylor is a poet, activist and founder of the body-positive movement The Body Is Not An Apology. Taylor has performed on an international level at prisons, mental health treatment facilities, homeless shelters, universities, festivals and public schools. She has won multiple national and international poetry slam competitions.

Recently, Taylor contributed to Mashable’s piece “What 8 Body Positive Activists Want You To Know About Losing Weight In The New Year”, offering up the following statement:

“I want women to know they can revise the "New Year, New You” mantra to say “New Year, Same Me” — and that is more than enough. Our constant endeavor to become “new” often makes invisible to us all of the ways in which our current selves are magnificent.

“I want women to see the new year as an opportunity not to become some new person but instead to become more deeply in love with who they are today. We stop waiting to become as soon as we realize we already are.”

Watch Sonya Renee Taylor perform “What Women Deserve” below:

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