#bohemian rhapsody film


Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader

Warnings: None! Pure tooth rotting fluff!

Word Count: 3,965

Summary: Ben has everything in life he could ever ask for. An adorable beagle, a thriving acting career, and most importantly - (Y/N), his beautiful wife. Nothing could make life better, until (Y/N) finds out she’s due to give Ben the greatest gift she can give in nine months time.

Prologue |Month 1



Permanent Tag List:@sparkleslightlyy​​​ @kdatthecastle

Nine Months Tag List:@mamaskillerqueen​​​@eggs-whiskey-snipes​​​@killerqueenfan​ @xlostinobsessionsx@coni-martina

Add yourself to my Tag Lists by filling out this survey here!

The next month couldn’t have crawled by any slower for Ben. Four weeks stretched out in four years before his eyes, each day passing slower than the last. While he didn’t have much down time from filming, or from Joe forcing him to go out to make up for ‘lost time’ when they were on opposite sides of the globe, a pregnancy book or guide for a first time expecting father was never far from his reach. He was determined to learn all he could so he could better help (Y/N) when he finally returned home. He wanted to make sure that the next eight months went by without a hitch. The more relaxed (Y/N) was, the happier they’d both be. Their phone calls always started with him asking her how she was feeling, if she was alright, if he needed to contact anybody to come help her, to which she would respond with a laugh saying she was fine. He was always ready to jump on a flight home at the drop of a hat if he needed to. As far as the actor was concerned, his wife had become a porcelain doll, capable of being shattered with the slightest of movements.

(Y/N) on the other hand had fallen into a rather comfortable routine. While the morning sickness, continuous cramps, and extreme fatigue were a bit short of fun, she found the more she stuck to a schedule the easier they were to deal with. The mornings were spent with her daily Facetime to Ben and walking Frankie before making some breakfast with a much needed cup of coffee - something she was gutted she had to cut down on - then hitting up the gym on her way to work. Afternoons would be consumed with work and many cups of decaffeinated tea to keep her mind off her inability to have coffee. Evenings would bring another walk with Frankie before dinner, a bit of yoga that had been recommended by her personal trainer, rounding out with some cuddling with the beagle whilst watching television before bed. She had everything figured out and while she missed Ben, she knew his return would throw a wrench into the well oiled machine she had created. To her, life hadn’t seemed to change all that much. (Y/N) saw her symptoms of pregnancy as more as bouts of mild inconvenience than an actual hindrance in her life. To Ben however, everything had changed, and his overprotective fatherly instincts were about to kick into overdrive.

It was a lovely morning when Ben stepped off his flight at Heathrow. Spring was finally in the air, even in the early hours of the morning the temperature had already reached a comfortable nine degrees celsius. The skies had finally cleared for the first time in about a week giving London a lovely view of the sun steadily rising up from the horizon. The birds were certainly more chatty this morning adding to the peace and serenity of the quietness of the early hours. He was absolutely shattered and in desperate need of a coffee and a bed, but not that he cared. The only thoughts on his mind as he quickly made his way through the airport, collecting his luggage, fumbling with his passport and headphones, was (Y/N) and their unborn child. When he walked out of international arrivals, his eyes immediately began to scan the crowd for the woman he had missed so dearly since passing through security two months prior. Soon his eyes caught sight of her (H/L) (H/C) locks cascading down around her smiling face, her vivacious (E/C) irises glinting pure joy back at him as soon as she locked eyes with him. She was absolutely glowing and she was hardly nine weeks along at this point. His heart pounded against his chest feeling the widest of grins begin to spread across his features as he seemed to get tunnel vision. He only had eyes for her.

(Y/N) was standing off to the side, a little bit away from the group of people who had congregated to wait for their loved ones to come through. She shifted from side to side, occasionally rising to the tips of her toes trying to see through the crowd for any sign of Ben. She felt her heart flutter in her chest at the sight of his tousled golden locks, something she desperately hoped their child inherited from him. He looked knackered, dark circles sitting heavily beneath his celadon gaze, another thing she hoped their child would have - in all honesty she just wanted a Ben clone running around. Even after a ten hour flight he still looked as handsome as ever in his black joggers, grey v-neck t-shirt, black bomber jacket, and a pair of raybans holding his ever growing golden locks back. She felt like an excited puppy as she tried to resist running over to him in order to spare her dignity, but she couldn’t care less.

The woman raced toward her husband, practically leaping into his arms holding him as close as she could, her hormones causing tears to fall as he held her in his strong arms. Ben hadn’t been expecting her to jump into his arms like that, but as always he was ready to grab her regardless. He only stumbled back a step or two before spinning them around in a small circle as some of the one lookers smiled softly at their display of affection. Ben slowly set her on her own feet as he shut his eyes, holding his wife tightly as he buried his face in her (H/C) locks, breathing in her scent he had missed for so long. He hadn’t realised just how much he had craved to hold her again until this moment. Like the last few weeks, this one moment stretched out into a thousand as he held her tightly, never wanting to let her go again. She was his better half, and he was glad to be whole again. “You’re finally home.” She whimpered softly into the crook of his neck. Ben could feel the hot, salty drops of her tears against his skin as he nuzzled his head into hers pulling back only just enough to kiss her.

The second his lips connected with her, the embers of their love that had been sitting as mere embers in both their hearts, smoldering amongst the ashes with a golden glow, quickly reignited into the flame they had felt for one another since day one, burning brightly for all to see. After all this time, after kissing her time and time again, each kiss still felt like the first time. The fireworks, the shivers of desire, the magnetic pull toward her, it was all still there. He pulled back and leaned his forehead on hers. “I’m here now, love. For both of you.” He smiled brightly, a hand falling down to rest on her belly. (Y/N) shivered with delight at his touch. There was something so exciting about Ben’s hand resting right above where their baby was growing within her.

“What about Frankie?” She gently teased him, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she kissed his nose.

“Of course! How could I ever forget about my darling girl, Frankie?” He chuckled as he took her hand as they made their way off toward the car park, stopping only briefly to get the exhausted actor a coffee so he wouldn’t collapse with exhaustion. (Y/N) helped Ben to push the trolly along with his suitcases on it so he could drink his coffee and still hold her hand by having his on the bar over hers. “So how have you been? Are you feeling alright? Have your symptoms been bad? How’d the booking appointment go? Did the midwife say you’re both okay?” He asked in rapid fire when they crossed out into the carpark to her car.

She giggled softly at his overprotectiveness shining through so early on, so quickly. “We’re both fine Ben. Everything’s in order, the midwife says they’re developing just fine. Although right now since the eyes are developing I’m hoping we lucked out and they have yours.” She laughed gently bumping against him. “Won’t know until they’re born though.”

He chuckled softly. “I beg to differ, yours are far more breathtaking.” He countered making her roll her eyes. When they stopped at the car he brought her hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss to her knuckles. “I really wish I could’ve been there…” He mumbled referring to her first appointment she had had only days prior.

She smiled softly up at him, a light blush flushing over her cheeks as she reached up to caress his cheek with her thumb before placing a tender kiss to his lips. “There are plenty more, more exciting appointments you’ll get to go to down the pipeline, love.” She gently rubbed her nose against his. “But I promise you’ll be at the next one for sure.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” He gently kissed her before turning to load his bags as she moved to the drivers side of the car. “(Y/N/N), I’ll drive.” He offered with a smile.

“I don’t know if it’s wise for you to be driving after just stepping off of a ten hour flight Ben.” She laughed softly. “I’m only pregnant, not broken. I can still drive.”

“I know lovely…” He sighed, closing the boot before crossing over to stand in front of her. His right hand reached down to gently caress her belly as he leaned in to place a tender kiss to the side of her forehead as she unlocked the car. “I just….worry about you both.”

(Y/N) smiled up at the blond in front of her, her (E/C) irises glinting in the most dazzling way possible in the morning light making Ben’s heart sing with love. “I know big guy, but you don’t have to right now, we’ll be fine.” She gently caressed his cheek, her heart fluttering as he leaned into her touch. “Now, come on then, to the passengers side with you.” She giggled gently patting his cheek as she got in the driver’s seat. Ben, though not without hesitation, crossed to the other side of the car before piling himself into the passenger’s seat. Once they were out of the airport and on the road back home, he slowly reached over and took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together into the tightly knit fabric he wanted their family to be. He brought it to his lips to place another tender kiss on the top of her hand. She glanced over at her bloved blond for a brief moment, a hint of blush playing on her cheeks before turning her attention back to the road. It was the best feeling ever having her caring, attentive husband back, maybe now getting through the pregnancy wouldnt be so bad. But not all things go as expected.

Her good old fashioned lover boy quickly proved to be quite overbearing when it came to her life style and how things should be done. Even though (Y/N) had managed the first nine weeks of her pregnancy perfectly fine on her own, Ben was convinced that she shouldn’t be doing much of anything anymore. At first it was cute the way he fussed and doted over her every waking moment, getting her anything and everything when she asked and showering her in kisses and cuddles. As the days passed though, the more things he began to take over doing. Anything from taking Frankie for her morning and evening walks to doing the shopping. As far as Ben was concerned she shouldn’t even be going to work anymore, and if it were left up to him, he’d have had (Y/N) quit her job all together - which he tried to convince her to do at one point. He had lost that argument though - hard. Even still, the second she walked through the door, he was there helping her get her coat off before bringing her to the couch where he’d bring her a cup of peppermint tea and she’d have to sit there and ‘rest’ all night. Cooking dinner or baking, out of the question - she could burn herself. Cleaning the flat because she wanted to, absurd - the chemicals would harm the baby. If Frankie wanted to play with her tug rope with her, Ben was telling the beagle no and would get her a treat to leave (Y/N) alone. She tried her best to let Ben do what he thought was right because he was just trying to be helpful, but as her freedoms diminished the more cross she got with the actor.

That was just the tip of the iceberg though. About a week and a half after Ben had been home, (Y/N) was getting her stuff together to go to the gym like she always did. She had been surprised that he hadn’t said anything about her thrice weekly gym sessions yet, but she wasn’t about to give him something else to take away from her by bringing it up. As she was zipping up the top of her gym bag she felt a presence behind her as a pair of arms snaked around her waist, hands resting firmly on her lower belly. “Where are you off to?” He questioned softly as he kissed at her ear, making her squirm with delight.

“The gym silly.” She laughed, a raised brow raised quizzically at him. She had been going every other day for as long as they had been together. “It’s Friday morning, I always go to the gym.”

“Are you sure that’s a smart idea?” He asked. “I mean, wouldn’t over exerting yourself harm the baby?”

She rolled her eyes pulling herself out of Ben’s arms, her annoyance at his overprotectiveness quickly returning as she slung the bag up over her shoulder. “Well good thing Maria knows how to work with pregnant women, so that won’t happen.” She grumbled referring to her personal trainer. As soon as (Y/N) had found out she was pregnant, the very next gym session they had together, they had already begun to modify the workouts so she could still get the most out of them without harming herself or the baby.

“Still…I’d feel a lot better if you stopped going to the gym for now.” He made his point of view extremely clear as he placed his hands on his hips, giving him a look of authority.

“What?” She gaped at him, brows raised in shock and confusion. She thought he had been reading pregnancy books in his down time judging by the stack of them in the livingroom. Everything he had been doing so far had been against everything that he should be doing to support her. “Why?!”

“I just worry about you! I don’t want to see either of you hurt!” He argued gently, reaching out to place a hand on her hip which she dodged by taking a step back.

“Well you’re not going to because nothing is going to happen!”

“Exactly because…”

“Because you never let me do anything anymore?!” She quickly snapped at him, her voice laced with venom in every syllable. “Fucking hell Ben! I’m only pregnant!”

“You say that like it’s no big deal.”

“Because it’s really not when you think about it!” She groaned a fire blazing deep in her (E/C) irises. “I’m not the first woman to be pregnant and I’m certainly not going to be the last! So you need to stop acting like I’m going to fall apart if I so much as lift a finger or a light breeze touches my skin. You won’t let me walk Frankie, I can’t cook, for fuck’s sake you wouldn’t let me eat a single biscuit last night to satisfy a sweet tooth!” She was still extremely annoyed about that one. Her doctor had told her she could continue eating sweets and what not in moderation like she had been doing already but with Ben it was an all or nothing deal. She hadn’t even opened the package last night before he was stealing it out of her hands saying she had to eat healthy for the baby. This, in turn, sparked a fit of rage in the pregnant woman who quickly stole back the package before isolating herself on their balcony where she watched the sunset over the London skyline alone. “Working out, moving around, sticking to a routine, thats all actually some of the best things I could and should be doing for myself!! But obviously you haven’t been reading those chapters of these so called pregnancy books.” She spat picking up one of his books from his nightstand next to the bed before throwing it down on the floor with a thud. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a gym session to attend. A session that will not only help make my back pain more bearable the further I get into pregancy AND make my labour a lot shorter and more manageable, but it will also help me get out the stress you have so inadvertently caused.” She grumbled bitterly before shoving her way past her husband and out of the flat altogether, slamming the door behind her in a fit of rage.

Ben was a little taken a back by (Y/N)’s sudden fit of rage as he stood there stock still in the middle of the room. He had never once seen his wife like this in their entire time together. Sure they had had arguments, but this argument had been different from any other - she was full out screaming at him. As much as he wanted to chalk it up to her hormones being out of wack, the more he thought about it the more he knew that he was the one at fault. He had been a completely massive dickhead. He had done nothing but baby her and disrupt the routine she had developed ever since he got home. She was right about everything and he knew it. While yes, there were certain things she couldn’t do, things she shouldn’t be doing was more like it, but she was still extremely capable of doing a majority of their day to day activities. Ben had succeed in doing nothing but take away his wife’s freedom, and he was only now just realising his crass mistake. There would of course be a day when she would need his help a lot more, but today - this early on in the pregnancy - was certainly not the time. The actor looked down seeing Frankie staring up at him from her spot in the doorway to the bedroom, a quizzical look in her eyes as she silently asked what was wrong. “I’ve fucked up big time Franks…” He sighed as he thought to himself for a moment. “But I think I know how to fix it.”  

That night, (Y/N) was dreading returning home to the flat for two reasons which inadvertently were one in the same: facing Ben. Firstly was simply because she didn’t want to feel like a prisoner in her own body. And secondly, she felt terrible about the way she had screamed at Ben earlier when all he was trying to do was make her feel comfortable in an otherwise majorly uncomfortable time of  her life. She had stopped by the shops on her way back to their flat to pick up a bottle of his favourite whiskey as a bit of a peace offering, and knowing he was likely going to need it as the days went by if he had to put up with her. When she walked into the flat, she sure as hell wasn’t surprised to find that Ben was nowhere in sight. She didn’t blame him if he never wanted to speak with her again in all honesty. She pulled off her coat and kicked off her shoes as she heard the tapping of claws against the hard wood floor behind her. Frankie stood there happily wagging her tail, looking up expectantly at the (H/C) woman she had come to love. (Y/N) smiled, kneeling down to gently stroke her head as Frankie stood up on her knees to gently lick her face. It wasn’t long after her blond husband appeared before them, looking down at the sight with a blank exression. She turned her (E/C) gaze, filled with sorrow and reget up to meet his celadon orbs, offering him a weak smile, but Ben’s expression remained ever stoic. “I’m sorry…” She apologised in the smallest voice Ben had ever heard from her, at least in comparison to her outburst earlier. She gently pushed the beagle off her before slowly pushing herself up to her feet, grabbing the bottle in the brown paper bag that was sat next to her. “I know it’s shitty of me to blame what happened on my hormones, but they got the better of me. You didn’t deserve any…”

“No I did.” Ben cut her off taking the (H/C) woman by surprise. He looked down at his feet, gently taking his wife’s hand in his. “I made it seem in my head that you were completely incapable of living just because your pregnant. You managed just fine for ten weeks without me, and you’ve been doing everything you’re supposed to be doing.” He admitted sheepishly. “I’m new at this whole dad thing.” He chuckled softly. “I don’t know what to expect, so I over compensated. I know now that you’re stronger than ever, and you’re going to make one bad ass mum.” He winked making her laugh.

“It’s still no excuse on my part.” She sighed looking down.

Ben smiled softly reaching out to cup her cheek, turning her gaze up to meet his. “I know you weren’t actually yelling at me. You were just yelling in my general direction.” He smirked softly. “Outbursts are going to happen until your hormones level out, you only said everything you would’ve said if we just had a conversation about it.” He admitted smiling as she leaned happily into his touch. “I promise I’ll back off. The last thing I want to be is one of those helicopter parents, guess I’m not really setting myself up for greatness now am I?”

She laughed softly turning to kiss the palm of his hand. “Thank you Benny.” She smiled softly up at him. “I’m going to need you more the further I get along, but for right now I want to enjoy what freedom we have left, with you at my side.”

“And I’ll be there every step of the way.” He smiled his other hand moving to caress her belly, the action making her heart flutter in her chest as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tender kiss. “You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.” He mumbled softly as he rested his forehead against hers. She smiled, feeling another wave of hormones pass over her as tears started to form in her eyes. “No! No, love, please don’t cry. You’re just going to make me cry!” He chuckled softly reaching up to wipe away her tears.

“Hormones.” She admitted as she fanned at her eyes trying not to cry. “Oh I almost forgot.” She said bringing her arms back in front of her to show him the whiskey bottle. “For you. Figured you’re going to need it since you’ve got to put up with me for the next seven months.”

He smiled warmly, pulling her into a tender kiss, his hand never leaving her belly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

MONTH THREE (coming soon)

Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader

Warnings: None! Pure tooth rotting fluff!

Word Count: 3,199

Summary: Ben has everything in life he could ever ask for. An adorable beagle, a thriving acting career, and most importantly - (Y/N), his beautiful wife. Nothing could make life better, until (Y/N) finds out she’s due to give Ben the greatest gift she can give in nine months time.



A/N: I guess the Prologue never made it into the tags or something but you need to read it for this first chapter here to make sense so give that a read first find the link above. Also please reblog as it helps more people to see my work! Thanks!


Permanent Tag List:@sparkleslightlyy​​​

Nine Months Tag List:@mamaskillerqueen​​​@eggs-whiskey-snipes​​​@killerqueenfan

Add yourself to my Tag Lists by filling out this survey here!

Ben had been gone for about a month now, off in America filming a project that just so happened to involve one of his friends, Joe Mazzello. He seemed happy enough in their nightly FaceTime chats - well nightly for Ben, morningly for (Y/N) - but just speaking to each other on the phone wasn’t enough. This time in particular had been harder on them than all the other times in the past he had to leave in order to earn a living, and they could only chalk it up to being newlyweds. Ben missed his best girl, and would send her texts throughout the London evening, LA morning saying how much he missed her and how he couldn’t wait to be home again. And of course the instagram content that came with Joe and Ben’s reuniting was enough to keep the female laughing throughout the day when her lover was asleep.

(Y/N) and Frankie had been getting by well as they always did when Ben was gone. Long walks together in the morning after calls with Ben and another in the evening when (Y/N) returned home from work. While Frankie wasn’t the blond actor the (H/C) woman had fallen in love with, her cuddles were enough to get her through the night. The little dog seemed to know exactly when she needed comfort and would lay completely still pressed up against her body allowing her to pet her to her heart’s desire. And although when Ben was home they had the beagle sleep in her own bed, (Y/N) missed the feeling of having someone next to her. So naturally Frankie had begun to take up residence on Ben’s side of the bed, ever close for when (Y/N) needed her.

The warm golden beams of sunlight streamed into the bedroom through the curtains, gently pulling the (h/c) female from her peaceful slumber a few minutes before her alarm was to go off. She stretched with a squeak before rolling over to face Ben’s empty side of the bed seeing Frankie was still passed out. (Y/N) smiled softly at her steady breathing before opting to cuddle with Ben’s pillow instead so as not to wake her. She pulled the soft cushion into her chest breathing in its scent. Even after a month of him being gone it still smelled of his shampoo and cologne with a hint of cigarette smoke. It set her heart alight with emotions of contentment and love for the actor while breaking it all the same. She missed him terribly and longed for him to be home in her arms once again. Even as the weather was starting to get a bit warmer as winter was trudging to its slow bitter end, it did little to lift her spirits. Some days were better than others, those were typically the sunny days like today, where she could wake up to the melodic sounds of birds singing in the tree right outside their window. Others she barely wanted to get out of bed, but she would know deep in her heart it’s what he would want her to do. Her alarm sounded after a few minutes waking the beagle from her slumber, but like (Y/N), this morning even Frankie was feeling rather lethargic. She stood shaking herself out before joining the female in resting her head on Ben’s pillows. (Y/N) giggled softly as she reached over to gently stroke her tricoloured fur. “I know Franks, I miss him too…” She breathed out with a smile as Frankie licked at her fingers before burying her nose into his other pillow. (Y/N) sighed peacefully as she breathed in the scent from the eygptian cotton closing her eyes again, just wanting the comfort of Ben’s embrace. She wasn’t sure how long she had drifted off for but on cue and on time as always, her phone began to buzz on the side table behind her with her morning phone call from Ben. She lazily reached over to unlock her phone, smiling tirely, the clouds of sleep still hanging heavily over her as she greeted her husband. “Hi.” She breathed.

Ben chuckled softly, seeing how drunk on sleep she still was. “I didn’t wake you did I? You’re usually in the kitchen by now.”

“Nah, we girls just decided to have a bit of a lay in this morning rather than the longer W-A-L-K.” She laughed having to spell it out so the beagle didn’t suddenly become a bolt of energy as she moved the camera so he could see both his girls at the same time.

He laughed softly, his celadon irises lighting up at the sight of the two of them. “Are you both cuddling with my pillows?”

“Well I was at least before she woke up. I miss you.” (Y/N) mumbled softly resting the phone against a section of the comforter she had piled up. Although she said it every day, each day it made his heart ache a little bit more, he was often busy on set, during the day so hearing her say that made his nights feel all the more lonely. “Franks must miss you too, she crawled over and did the exact same thing the moment she woke up.”

“Awe, well if it’s any consolation I miss my best girls more than anything.” He sighed, a slight furrow of sadness to his brow. “Not long now, though, only a few more weeks until we’ll be together again for a long while. The next few projects I’ve got stacked up don’t require leaving the UK for more than a week or two.”

“I know…but I still wish I just…had a piece of you here with me still.” She sighed with the slightest of grimaces. They chatted as they normally did for another ten minutes or so before he was yawning, worn out from his day on set. “I best be letting you get off to bed. You look quite knackered.”

“I think ‘exhausted’ is more like it.” He yawned again. He went quiet as he simply stared at the screen for a few moments. “God…how did a guy like me get so lucky to have someone as beautiful as you for a wife.” He mumbled making her blush like he always did near the end of their calls.

“Could say the same for you with those rippling pectorals of yours.” She winked cheekily making Ben chuckle softly. “I love you Ben…so much.”

“I love you more.” He smiled. “See you soon.”

“Bye….” She whispered, and with the press of a button he was gone again, just like always. (Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as she clutched his pillow to her chest once again, a wave of longing for him and sadness washing over her for a few moments before she rolled over to gently pet the beagle a bit. “What do you say we have our breakfast and go for a walk, Franks?” She giggled as Frankie’s ears perked up at the mention of food and one of her favourite activities, her tail thumping heavily against the comforter. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

It was a beautiful day, a comfortable but still chilly seven celsius at half seven in the morning as the woman and her four legged friend made their way around Regent’s Park. The sun shone down basking the park in its golden glow, warming the air a bit more by the hour. The thing (Y/N) rather loved about the London Parks was how they made you feel as though you weren’t in the centre of a bustling metropolis. They existed as their own little world for the pair to get lost in and forget about their missing companion for however brief a time as he was never far from the forefront of her mind. As they made their way back toward Primrose Hill, (Y/N) found a sudden wave of uncontrollable nausea plaguing her. She did her best to combat the rising discomfort of the sudden sickness but as it only got steadily worse, she tugged gently on Frankie’s lead. “Come on Franks…” She breathed before pulling her in the direction of a bin before spilling her breakfast into it. (Y/N) groaned as she looked down at Frankie who was looking expectantly up at her with perked ears as if silently asking if she was okay. Her (E/C) irises shone brightly in the London morning as she stooped down to gently pat the beagle’s head. “I’m alright, come on, let’s go home.”

However the strange sickness didn’t stop with one and done. (Y/N) was quite ill all the time she was at work, experiencing another chunder soon after lunch, then in the late afternoon, and a few times in the evening as well. She turned in early for the night figuring it to be a stomach bug of sorts, but when this bug persisted for the next few days, it was plain to see that something wasn’t right. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She mumbled as she ran a hand over her face as she sat on the couch with a cup of peppermint tea to settle the gurgling pit that was her raging stomach with Ben on Facetime. “Think I should go to the GP?”

“I’d feel a lot better if you did.” He reasoned as he bit the inside of his lip. “It always makes me feel so gutted when I can’t be there to take care of you when you’re ill. You deserve to have someone there for you.”

“I know love, but this isn’t the first time one of us has been ill when we’ve been apart, and I highly doubt it’ll be the last.” She smiled reassuringly at her blond. “I’m sure it’s nothing but just for some peace of mind for both of us I’ll get looked at. Sound?”

Ben nodded with a sigh. “Please text me as soon as you know something, even if I’m asleep, I’ll at least have it for when I wake up. Okay?”

She giggled softly at his conscientious attitude toward her. “I swear you’re going to make such a brilliant father one day with that overprotectiveness of yours.”

This spawned the largest grin she had seen on his features in the longest time. They of course had discussed the idea of having kids at some point after they were married. They agreed that they would let nature take its course and when it happened it would happen, all the same they were going to be careful. “Maybe one day, but for now I’ve got you to fuss over.” Regardless of when a child blessed their lives, he would never stop fussing over (Y/N). Nothing but the best was good enough for his beloved in his eyes. “I should be getting off to bed now, early call tomorrow.”

“Alright, I’ll let you know what happens when I know. I love you Benny.” She smiled using the name she knew he hated but would allow her to use while he was gone filming or when she was sick.

He rolled his eyes at the nickname as a smirk spread across his features. “I love you more (Y/N/N).” He winked before they hung up.

True to her word, (Y/N) called in sick to work that day and found herself in the waiting room at her GP. When it was her turn the doctor ran through the usual questions: what’s wrong? How long have you been experiencing symptoms? When was the date of your last period? Is there a chance that you’re pregnant? While (Y/N) didn’t believe that she was pregnant, they still opted to run a blood test anyway before looking her over further. After about ten minutes the results came back as the doctor strolled into the room. (Y/N) looked at her with a calculating stare, as if silently asking what the results were. The doctor smiled before speaking two words (Y/N) thought she and Ben wouldn’t have been hearing for quite some time yet. “You’re pregnant.” The doctor waited to gage the woman’s reaction before letting out a silent sigh of relief at the sight of a smile of someone who was on cloud nine spread across (Y/N)’s features. “Congratulations Mrs Jones.”

(Y/N) practically floated out of the GP’s office later after the appointment, unable to wipe the grin off her face. Absolutely nothing could hamper the intense feeling of dopamine coursing through her veins at this moment. She and Ben were expecting their first child. While they hadn’t been planning to have a child just yet, she knew that given his expression this morning when she told him that he was going to be a great father, he would soon be right there on cloud nine with her at the news. Now it just became a matter of how to tell her husband. She had always imagined how she would tell him that she was pregnant for the first time, of course in all of her fantasies Ben hadn’t been halfway around the world. This was going to take some creative planning on her part.

Later that evening as she was reaching for her phone to FaceTime Ben, her screen lit up with his contact photo. She smiled brightly, this was it. She quickly calmed herself before looking down at the Beagle sitting on the couch next to her, happily panting away. She unlocked the phone to see not Ben’s face but Joe’s. “Ugh, what do you want?” She playfully scoffed at her husband’s friend.

“Really (Y/N), after all this time, that’s how you greet me? I thought that we had a connection, you and I.” Joe sighed before running a hand over his face. “No matter I’ll just steal your man then.”

“You wouldn’t.” She glared playfully at the American.

“Oh wouldn’t I?” He said turning the camera so she could see Ben sitting in the car next to him who was rolling his eyes. Joe had stolen the phone from his hand the moment he pulled up her contact on FaceTime. “He’s going to be trapped in a car with me for the next hour, but I’m sure he’ll be mine in less than twenty minutes if I play my cards right.”

“Ben, is this your way of telling me you’re leaving me for Joe?” She laughed.

“No he had his chance.” He rolled his eyes, turning to look at his friend. “But you chose the fucking cardboard cutout instead.”  

“How dare you disrespect Cardie B like that.” Joe laughed before handing back the Brit his phone. “I’ll let you two talk now.”

“Thank you.” Ben chuckled looking at his phone. “You alright?” He asked.

“Alright. You?” She smiled at him, her eyes glinting with that ‘I have a secret look’.

“Alright.” He smirked.

“Really feeling the love between you two.” Joe laughed prompting a two finger salute from Ben.

“You go to the GP then?” He asked (Y/N) to which she nodded. “What’d they say then?”

“Don’t you want to say hi to Frankie first? She’s been waiting here patiently. She needs a bit of love from her daddy.” She giggled putting the phone in front of Frankie prompting her to sniff at the screen. “Say hi to Ben, Franks.”

Ben rolled his eyes playfully, he just wanted to know if everything with his wife was sound, but he missed his little girl too. “Hi Franks!” He spoke making the Beagle’s ears perk up at the sound of his voice. “Daddy misses you.” He chuckled making a kissy sound. “What’s that you’ve got around her neck? Has she got on a bandana or something?”

“Oh do you like it? She picked it out when we went to the store after the GP to pick up some more food.” She giggled. “Here read what’s written on it.” She said moving the camera so Ben could see what was written on the bandana, holding her breath as he did so.

“‘Guess what? Mum’s….’” He read aloud, voice trailing off before he could speak the last word on the bandana, his celadon eyes going wide as he dropped the phone.  

“Jesus Ben.” She heard Joe’s voice as he picked up Ben’s phone from the floor of the car. “Let’s see this bandana then.” Joe’s eyes scanned over the writing. “Oh my god! Congratulations you two!! I’m so happy for you!” Joe smiled, patting Ben on the back snapping him out of his trance. “Congrats man! This is fantastic!”

The blond snatched the phone back from his friend, staring intently at the screen trying to make sure (Y/N) wasn’t punking him. “Are you serious?!” A look of pure joy was covering his features. “You’re really pregnant?!”

(Y/N) smiled brightly, nodding furiously as her voice caught in her throat. She moved the phone above her so Ben could see her tummy as she placed a hand on her lower abdomen. “Looks like you left a part of you here after all.” Her smile warmed his heart more than the morning sun that shone through the car window. His wife, his best friend, his (Y/N)…was pregnant with his child. He couldn’t believe it, it was like some incredible dream and if it was, he absolutely never wanted to wake up. His only regret was that he wasn’t there to hold her right then in this moment.

“I can’t believe it…we’re going to be parents.” He was floating up out of his body, riding out the shot of ecstasy that she had given him. “My god…why can’t I be there with you right now.”

“Soon love.” She winked at him. “The three of us…” She trailed off a moment, getting Frankie in the shot. “We’re not going anywhere. We’ll be right here for you when you get back.”

“I can’t wait to be back.” Ben mumbled with a smile. They talked, along with Joe, for a bit before (Y/N) had to hang up to make supper for herself and Frankie. “Thank you (Y/N)….” He smiled referring to the child she was baring. “I love you…I love you both so, so much.”

(Y/N) thought the smile that had been permanently etched into her features all day couldn’t grow any wider, until he went and said something like that. “We love you too Ben…safe travels.” Ben’s heart fluttered against his chest at those words. He was going to be a father.

Later that night as (Y/N) was about to head to bed, she received a text from Joe on WhatsApp. You’ve certainly got yourself a committed man, made the driver pull over so he could pick up this to read during our down time. With the text came a picture he took of Ben sitting in his chair offset reading a book titled ‘The Expectant Dad’s Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know’. The sight made (Y/N)’s heart sing, loud enough that she was sure that he heard it around the world in The States. Aweeeeee bless him she responded before locking her phone. She placed a hand on her belly as she laid on her back staring at the ceiling. “You’re going to have the world’s best dad, love.”

