
I’m going to spank you like a naughty little boi. Tuck your tshirt into your briefs and bring

I’m going to spank you like a naughty little boi. Tuck your tshirt into your briefs and bring me the hairbrush. I’m going to redden that pixie bottom of yours.

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A naughty boi clearly needs a spanking. Tuck-in your camisole and bring me the ping pong paddle.

A naughty boi clearly needs a spanking. Tuck-in your camisole and bring me the ping pong paddle.

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That’s right, you’ve been a naughty boi. Take down your pants and get across my knee. If you want to

That’s right, you’ve been a naughty boi. Take down your pants and get across my knee. If you want to act like a boi, I’ll discipline you like a boi, with the leather strap across your white boi briefs.

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This boi is about to get a good spanking with her own belt.

This boi is about to get a good spanking with her own belt.

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Boi’s about to spank each other.

Boi’s about to spank each other.

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