#bomb shelter

Israeli Bomb Shelter Date Leads to Marriage Proposal! Some dates bomb. Others end up in bomb shelter

Israeli Bomb Shelter Date Leads to Marriage Proposal!

Some dates bomb. Others end up in bomb shelters.

It has been a rough summer for the Jewish people. Fifty days of war in Israel. Dozens of deaths and injuries. Thousands of rockets. Millions of people running to bomb shelters for cover for weeks on end. But FINALLY there’s some good news to come out of this situation. As religious Jews, we always like to find a way to say “gam zu l’tova” (this too is for the good) even in the most difficult times.

Michelle Beck, a twenty-three year old makeup artist and hair stylist made aliyah from Toronto to Ramat Beit Shemesh with her family three years ago. As a young Orthodox Jewish woman, she had been dating for a couple years already, but had still not found Mr. Rightstein. But then, her best friend’s husband set her up with a nice Israeli guy named Shmuel Shtessman, a twenty-five year old electrical-engineering major at Bar Ilan. The couple dated for some time. Each one was feeling like they wanted to move the relationship forward, but didn’t know how to. “I wanted him to meet my family,” Michelle explained, “but I was nervous to bring it up.” 

Read more: http://jewinthecity.com/2014/08/israeli-bomb-shelter-date-leads-to-marriage-proposa/#ixzz3BoDRzcDP

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Ukrainian ESC presenter and commentator Timur Miroshnychenko reacts to the Kalush Orchestra’s victory (and yes, he is in a bom b shelter)

June 2, 1942: This portable solid timber bomb shelter is large enough for three people and takes onl

June 2, 1942: This portable solid timber bomb shelter is large enough for three people and takes only 10 minutes to erect. No metal, not even nails, was used in its construction. The invention of C. Boissevain of New York, the shelter was on exhibition at the 1942 inventors’ exposition sponsored by the American Hobby Federation in New York.

Photo: AP via the Denver Post

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